Chapter 1 The mysterious child

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The day was normal, customers came in and left. The usual Tang came and took some noodles, you know, free loading. That was, until he was closing up shop. The long, tiring day had finally come to an end. The pig demon, tiredly was washing a table. The dirty rag swishing left to right, in a fluid motion. That was until he heard a quiet knock, he stopped, stunned at the noise. He was a bit annoyed, not wanting to deal with people who didn't even bother to check when he closed. Closing his eyes in frustration, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Getting even more irritated when he heard the second knock. He shuffled over to the door, turning the handle. And much do his surprise he heard noise, as if someone were trying to run away. He got even more annoyed, thinking it was a knock a door ditch, or whatever the kids these days call them. He opened the door fully, opening his mouth to speak but instantly closed when he heard a baby's cry. He whipped his down, taking in the view of a perfect, baby boy. They were crying their eyes out, left in a blanket that was basically rags. He picked the baby up immediately, taking the basket they were left in and got the infant out of the cold. Their, he found some of his warmest blankets. Wrapping them around the Infant, the once crying baby now settled down. Enjoying the new found warmth, Pigsy then layed the baby down on his bed. He sighed, coming towards the basket that contained the basket. He inspected it, finding a note. He read,

                                        Dear reader,
              If you are reading this, that means I could no longer care for my baby. And I have entrusted you to do what I could not. Please, I beg, look after my son. He is my light, and I am sad to see him go. But I know that this is what needs to be done, so, if you do choose to keep him. Give him a complete fresh start, change his name, never mention me to him, etc. That is all I ask for you, to watch over my beautiful, baby boy...please.
                           From, a desperate mother.

Pigsy read the letter over and over again, not believing how a mother couldn't want the boy. Even more, he was deathly curious on why the mother couldn't watch the child. He walked back into his room, seeing the infant sleeping soundly. He couldn't leave the poor thing, it would break his heart if he knew he left a baby alone. In the cold, cold world, he made up his mind. From now on, this child was his own. He knew Tang would approve, he didn't have much a choice either. Now, came the difficult part. What would he name the baby? He thought about it, long and hard, before coming to a decision. Qí Xiăotiān, ( didn't know that was his real name till i looked it up, so, sorry author of Son of Two Dads) the name sounded fitting for the boy, he picked up the child and held him close. A small smile making it's way to his face, the peaceful face, his soft snoring, The warmth that radiated out of the child. Pigsy knew this child was going to be everything to him, I mean, he already fell in love with the child. He vowed to never let anything bad happen to the young one, this, he swore.

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