chapter 20. Shadow man

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Mk felt cold. His body was numb as the anger he felt previously melted away with the darkness gang surrounded him. He let out a sigh, seeing his breath turn to frost in front of him.

His eyes suddenly widened as he realized what was happening. He had..gone into the shadows?! How was that even possible? He felt something furry hit the back of his head, and he turned around, and suddenly a tail went right under this nose, like how a mustache would.

He sneezed, the tail returning behind him. He looked back and saw the tail was.. connected to him? He looked at his hands, gasping as he saw he no longer has hands.. he had claws. His skin now brown fur covering his entire body. He went to feel his face, feeling the fur on his face as well.. and he felt three ears on each side of his head.. yet despite his extra ears he hears nothing while in the darkness..

He didn't know what was happening.. and he looked around desperately. He then looked up, his eyes widening as he saw everything from a shadows point of view. He floated closer to it, and stuck his hand out.. and slowly moved out..

He stood in shock.. appearing behind Wukong. He was so surprised he had completely forgotten his anger. He looked at his hand, seeing it was human once again..

Wukong whipped around when he felt Mk's presence, his eyes wide in disbelief and fear. "Kid-.." he stopped himself, seeming so surprised and.. terrified almost. He then turned around, and before anyone could stop him.. Sun Wukong had disappeared once again.

Mk felt the burning sensation again, and he went to go find the prince..

Redson felt the tension in the air.. it was suffocating and it caused irritation to spread throughout his body.

He and Mk had already left.. yet the entire palace seemed to be so tense from the battle.. yet everything had managed to be okay, so what was wrong? Mk had kept his title and life, the royals had lived.. no one had died, not even a peasant or servant..

Redson wanted to bug Mk about it, but his knight seemed.. unfocused, his eyes dull and lost in thought as he mindlessly lead Redson back to his room. Redson wanted to poke and prod the knight, demand answers and let his curiousity be quilled.

Mk didn't notice, leaving Redson on his bed as he mindlessly stumbled out of Redson's room, going to his which was next door. Redson huffed, having to change himself. He laid down in his bed, the silk of his covers clinging onto his skin and cooling his body.
He sighed, thinking back tiredly on the day. Everything has gone so wrong so face..bit bothered him. Why was the Monkey King suddenly betraying father? Did they argue? Weren't they brothers?

He didn't understand what was happening, and it bothered him. It was... Exhausting to have so many questions yet so little answers.
But the day doesn't stop for just anyone, and soon night approached.

It seemed almost foreign and unwelcomed for such an exotic day to just end so casually. The king, Redson's father, had been silent throughout it all. Mk continued with his job, practically tucking Redson into bed. Yet this time there were no squabbles and teasing. The knight was devastatingly quiet and the already somber mood was messing with Redson.
His fire of hair reared back, a soft illuminating light grazing against the walls of Redson's room, creating enchanting shadows.

Mk closed the door with a small click, not a word spoken between the two. Why did it bother Redson so? Mk was nothing more than an annoyance that refused to leave him be. But the day has been draining. For everyone.

Was the night alright? Where did he go during the fight? Clouded in the dust that hid him from view? Why did Sun Wukong seem so surprised and... terrified? Eas it even possible for the Monkey King to be terrified?
So many questions floating around in Redson's head, so little answers.

It was enough to drive him insane...
If he wasn't already.

His eyes finally began to feel heavy, a breathe of relief leaving his newly chapped lips at the sign of rest. His gaze shifting through narrow eyes to where his flames glowed and flicked on the wall, like a play filled with talented dancers, actors who showcased true beauty.
It was beautiful to any creative soul.

Yet... Was that... Glowing eyes?

Redson sat up immediately. One bright purple eyes stared back at him, beside the eyes were two slashed scars. It was a simian man who was oddly similar to Sun Wukong. His fur far more darker, his skin a smooth olive color that the shadows danced across on.
His gaze was cold and calculating, Redson feeling naked in front of this strange man.

The strange simian sneered at the prince, revealing his fangs that poked from under his lips. His gaze ruthless and fierce, showing such a feral nature Redson almost called for Mk.
Of course, he wouldn't. He was far too proud for that.

"You. Fireboy. Where is my son?"

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