chapter 3 the early training

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Qi Xiăotiān was beyond excited as he raced threw town, the angry towns people yells went right threw him. He decided, he was going to be a knight! And no one would tell him other wise, that is what he thought anyway.

" No! No way, absolutely not." Pigsy, his father denied. Furious at his child for even asking,

" WHAT? Why not?" Qi Xiăotiān cried out, upset.

" A knight is a very dangerous job, kid. You'd die before you even step foot outside of the town!" Pigsy exclaimed, furious at his own father's lack of believing in his abilities, turned around harshly, and stomped away. " Qi Xiăotiān-" Pigsy tried to call out, but was interrupted by the sound of running. He knew Instantly that his kid ran off, he let out an exhausted sigh. Trudging towards a chair, he started pinching the bridge of his nose in concentration. What was he going to do with the kid? This was the only time he really misbehaved, and he was treating it like Pigsy yelled something crazy and argued about it. Sighing once more, he thought over the conversation. Was he too rough? Did he go too far? Say something wrong? He closed his eyes, his brain starting to ache.  

With Mk/ Qi Xiăotiān

Qi Xiăotiān stomped threw town, anger surging on him. Almost as if.he was close to exploding.

" stupid dad, telling me what I can't and can do!" Qi Xiăotiān cursed, his fists clenched. He wasn't really paying too close attention to his surroundings. when he looked up, he was in the middle of the woods. Panic started to rise threw him as he looked around, the place seemed peaceful. An clear area where he could move around easily, then, an idea struck him. He'd train without Pigsy consent! With a new found determination, he closed his eyes in concentration. Remembering the way Sandy and Mo battled, he forced his body to follow the movements on his head. Opening his eyes to see his body had obeyed, he was in a stance where he could fight someone. He looked around and grabbed a nearby stick, using it as a sword. He started swinging the stick as if a sword, replaying the image of Mo's training session clear in his mind. Copying each movement, pretending the trees surrounding him were his sparring partners. He continued this until he hit too hard and his stick broke, he gasped, then groaned at the lost. Starring disappointedly at the broken limb, he looked up at the sky. Panicking when he saw it was in the evening, he rushed out of the forest. Retracing his footsteps as he dashed out, making it back to his village. He gave out a sigh of relief, now jogging back home. There he saw a very worried Pigsy and Tang, they both saw him and ran to his side. Asking millions of questions, all to which he replied with " Just needed some fresh air, the town was getting stuffy." He walked back into his room, plopping onto his bed. Rethinking his exercise, memorizing his own movements. He was sluggish, that was clear, he'd need  to train better on that. His eyes started to slowly drift down, his exhaustion finally taking effect. That night, he slept dreamless.

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