chapter 25 Spider queen

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Deep in the trenches of the unknown, in the sewage of humanity lay a spider. Not a normal, goodness no, but a demon one.
She held power of the underground, yet she strived for more.

Her humble servants did her every wish, and did so without question. One day, she ordered her servants to spy on the castle. And so they did.

The servants at first were bored. For days they had nothing to do but watch maids fold laundry and knights train. Even more they watched the King do paperwork, yet could not safely get close to read the paper.

Until one day. The day it felt closest to winter was the day they found a weakness to the royal family. Qí Xiăotiān.

Or rather, Mk. But that was such a borish name, wasn't it? The queen preferred the latter. The servants watched the little knight day and night, listening, learning, knowing everything about the boy. Until one thing was made certain.

The boy was just like Wukong. No doubt about it.
Now the Spider queen strived for the power the boy had... And all she had to do was...

Get rid of a silly problem.
Get rid an an headache was all.

She only needed the prince.


It had happened so fast. The day had gone by like normal until the afternoon. Suddenly, the castle was swarmed by spider demons. Mk could feel his body go cold at the sight of the arachnid, having to push past his fear was challenging.

Yet it all ended up in nought. The prince had been kidnapped. Gone, just like that. Mk hadn't gotten there in time. The king was furious.

"WHERE IS MY SON!?" The king yelled, and as a servant told him he was taken, the king stumbled. It was the first sign of weakness he had ever seen in the Demon Bull King.

Mk stepped forward, a determined, yet pained look evident. "I'll find him, your Majesty. I swore to you I'd give my life for him." The queen turned to face him, her usually kind expression had melted into a cold look.

Mk hissed in pain, the crest on his chest burned angrily and Mk collapsed. It was unbearable. The queen was angry, and she was taking it out on Mk.

In a fit of rage, the queen's hand flew across Mk's face. The slap echoed loudly, bouncing off the walls and entering Mk's ears. He felt like crying from how much it broke him. He has lost her trust.

"Find him? How can I trust you to find him, when you can't even prevent him be being kidnapped in the first place!" She argued angrily, tears welling in her eyes and falling freely as he pain of losing her only son was shown in raw emotion.

Mk began to grovel, his hands moving to hold PIF's ankles in a desperate attempt.
"I'll find him." He promised. "I won't let them get away with this. Those...damn spiders will pay."

He promised that much.


Redson couldn't speak. He felt paralyzed. He could only groan. "The prince is awake."

He heard a hiss of a voice, and the blindfold was taken off. He winced at the light coming in, before looking up and seeing his kidnappers.
They were spider demons.

He knew instantly if the queen. She was the largest as she stood tall, all of her legs gleamed strongly and proudly as she glared down at him. Her eyes were a sickly green, her face smooth and oddly attractive as she smirked at him.
She stepped forward and lifted his chin with a leg, cooing at him in a mocking way.

"Look at the cute little prince! I'm almost inclined to keep him alive!" She laughed wickedly, the joke being lost in her laughter as Redson did nothing but glare at her.
She paid no mind, grinning evilly.
"As soon as that monkey boy comes here, his head will be mine! His sweet power will make him invincible!"

The spider queen grabbed one of her minions, dancing with him joyfully with a gleeful grin. The servant seemed oddly ecstatic about the news. Redson hurriedly looked aroun, his eyes widened as he suddenly heard whispering.



No one will save you....

Definitely not Mk. The voice rang in Redson's ear painfully, he winced. He glanced over once more at the sorce. It was a glowing blue box that seemed to have bone shaped wood engraved onto it.
It made Redson shiver.

He tried to stand up, groaning. The servants hisses as Redson managed onto his feet, albeit wobbly.
The queen looked over at him, grimacing at him with a look of distaste."Boy! Behave, will you?"

He snarled in defiance at her outrageous request. "I don't need a knight to defend myself!" His hands clicked with light and suddenly fire appeared in the palm of his hand. With a grunt he casted it towards the spider demons.

They all moved eagerly out of the way, grinning mischievously.
"OH, wow! You're so strong, little prince." The venom dripped from her words like liquid, her smug grin felt like a stake had been driven into his heart.
He couldn't help but growl, vut his energy was already wearing thin once again. What did they drug him with?

He felt his body fall as the wind rushed past his firey hair, he fell to his knees.

Suddenly he heard a loud call to battle as a flash of gold come. Reason could only see the blink of gold light as sooner or later the spider demons were knocked out, the queen letting out an outraged yelp as she fell to the floor.

He saw a lone figure, shadowed ny the darkness. Redson could only see his purple and golden eyes glow with a rage that made Redson shudder.
His exhausted body couldn't move.

He didn't want to move.
He was thrusted into familiar arms as the scent of Mk overrides his senses.

Relief clouded him, a gentle hand petting his hair. He could feel Mk -his knight- shake. "I'm so sorry...My lord...."
He felt Mk's body tremble with a choked back sob.
Redson forced his body to live as he pulled back. He looked up at Mk.

"Mk...?" He called out, seeing the tears in his eyes, the exhausted expression. He seemed far too serious to be Redson's Mk.
"N-no....Mk, it's fine... It wasn't yo-"
He looked down and saw a wound of burned flesh flash across Mk's chest. It was the result of the knight's crest if they were seen to uave abandoned their station, or were considered dishonorable.

Redson knew what it was like to see red, but to see a man he cherished very treated horribly for something so minor compared to everyday? It was something else.
Redson's hand reached out, noticing instantly of Mk flinching as his body ran with goosebumps.

"I'm...I...they..." He was at a lost of words. It was going to scar. Mk had a burn scare across his chest because of him.
His adrenaline ran once he came to the conclusion, his fatigued body and mind paying no mind to his actions as he leaned down.

His lips pressed securely onto the mark.


Q/A= MK and Redson, what do you think of each other?

Redson= He believes currently that Mk is admirable. Of course, he's still on his 'Mk is a peasant whereas he's royalty so they will never be together.' Mindset.

Mk= He believes Redson is incredibly intelligent and respectable as a prince. He enjoys teasing Redson and takes his Job seriously. He views Redson as a friend, currently.

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