Chapter 21 Mistakes

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The man watched over the prince with an inquisitive look, his one glowing purple eye glimmering like a long star in an only night sky plagued by darkness and silence.
The shadows danced and leaped around him, tickling and his legs, brushing against his calf. Redson's fire glowed against the simian's skin, the look of battle scarring the man in his room.

"What do you mean?" Redson spoke slowly, his own eyes narrowing as the flames on his head grew stronger, searing the roof of his bed. His tone held a certain command of honesty which the shadow man did not take to. They both grimaced at each other, each annoyed with the play happening.

"My son. A little birdie told me he was here." The man spat out, his canines barred to definitely be intimating. The man's teeth were tinted a yellow, yet were sharp and dangerous.
"I sensed his presence in the castle. He went into the shadows!" The man continued, glancing to the ground with a longing look that seemed pathetic to Redson.

"Gone into the shadows? You're a lunatic." Redson snapped, his eyebrow arching as one rose into a disapproving look. This man could sneak into a prince's room, yet couldn't impress? What wasn't disappointing?
"Absolutely deranged."

"Maybe. But I know my son is here... Somewhere! I just...I want to speak with him, to see how he's doing... That man... That filthy, dirt-eating, mangey mutt of a monkey, shit eating son of a-"

"Okay! Alright! I get it, lunatic! You hate a guy, guy knows your son, you're pissed!" Redson grimaced more at the vulgar words this simian spoke so easily. It was worrisome how those curses slipped from his tongue. "How could someone so ill-mannered be able to enter my room? Ugh."

The man shrugged, leaning back until his back pressed against the cool surface of the wall, his eyes narrowing as he searched through the room. "My mistake. I'm getting old... I meant to appear in the shadows of where my son's presence was strongest..."

Strongest? Presence? What was this lunatic talking about? Redson was growing fed up with this. "Just leave. I'm done with this."
The man's expression darkened, an eyebrow arching upward as his voice became dangerously deep, a warning growl rumbling within his throat.

"NOT without my son." He hissed, the shadows around him growing more firm, suddenly Redson felt a cold embrace. He could barely look behind him to see a shadow clone of the man grabbing him.
"A prince should be bargain enough for the king to cough up my son..."

A sick grin grew on the man's face, and with a snap of his fingers, the two began to sink into the shadows. Redson struggled as hard as he could, but it proves futile. The shadows were cold, ruthless, and yet so strong. His flames grew hot and bright, growing bigger and bigger. Normally, such strong like ght would engulf shadows, yet these were resilient.

He was about to be taken. He was going to be kidnapped into the dead of night by this simian man. What was he to do? What could he do? He wasn't strong enough... Not physically.
Who could help him?

"MK!!!" He callrd.out at the top of lungs before the clone put a freezing hand over his mouth.
His eyes burned as he resisted tears, he didn't want to leave! What would his mother do or say?

His worries melted as the door slammed open, a familiar physique appearing in the darkness of his room. He saw eyes flash a bright yellow and suddenly he was safety in Mk's arms.
The knight rested him on the floor, his rough, callous hands caressing both of Redson's cheeks.

Mk's golden gaze rested on Redson's, a look of worry etched in the knight. "Are you alright, M'lord?" Mk breathed out his words, his breathe and touch warm on Redson's face. Such a vast difference from the shadows.
It was nice.

"Yes..." Redson managed to answer, biting down on his trembling lip. He was moved closer, his heart beginning to race in his chest as he was pressed against Mk's chest. The warmth clouding him in an almost fantastic way. "You saved me..."

"You were in danger... If course I did." Mk answered, moving his hand up and down Redson's arm comfortingly. "You're freezing cold..."
Mk turned his head around to see the simian, but much to both of their surprise, the monkey man was gone.

Mk growled in anger, but quickly forgot about the unfortunate situation. "Let's try this whole thing again, alright?" Mk lifted Redson bridal style, carrying the prince back to bed. He was so gentle.
His touch was pleasantly warm, leaving a buzz of heat that made Redson's skin flutter for more.

Why was his face so warm? He wasn't use to this kind of heat.

Mk soon got up to leave, and Redson eagerly reached a hand out, gripping tightly onto Mk's shirt. Where did this desperation come from?
"Please... Stay until I fall asleep?"

Mk stood paused for a pregnant moment before he soon conceited and agreed. He sat beside the bed, holding Redson's hand like a gentle lover.
Like a what now...?

Redson found sleep lure him away quicker this time... Enveloped in the comfortable warmth and safety Mk provided.

Maybe Mk being his knight wasn't such a mistake...


He was so close. So close he could smell it.

It was tantalizing, exhilarating, exciting.

He couldn't believe it. He had found son!

His precious son...

They wouldn't be apart for much longer...

He would fix his mistakes...

All he had to do was... Kill Sun Wukong...

Or better yet, just seal the fucker under a mountain again....

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