Chapter 4 meeting the king

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Years have passed, Qi Xiăotiān was now 16. He couldn't become a knight until 18 or more, because of how close he was to his anticipated age, he trained harder than he ever did. He'd come back home late at night, so tired he could barely move. It worried Pigsy and Tang, but they didn't say anything. Mei was the only one aware of his secret training, and even helped him. Giving him an actual wooden sword and dummy, he'd jump from tree to tree in his training area, ( the area in the woods from last chapter) strengthening his agility. He'd stretch himself in unnatural ways to become more flexible. In total, once he became a squire, he'd be the best one there. One day, in his daily training session. A unknown set of eyes were watching him, studying his moves.

" interesting.." the watcher muttered, his golden eyes shimmering in interest. His monkey tail swishing silently in the trees, the shadow of said leaves making him basically invisible to the mortal. Curious, he summoned his staff. Easily carrying it, he threw it to the ground. The 17,550 pound staff breaking more earth around it as it landed, the boy quickly shifting his attention to the new staff, cautiously walked towards it. He inspected it before wrapping his hand around it's pure gold top. The mysterious monkey watching more intently, the mortal's muscles tensed as he tried to lift the staff. Much to the monkey in the tree's surprise, the staff obeyed. Letting itself be pulled from the ground. The monkey jumped out from his hiding place, surprising the teen. Who went and used the staff as a shield, " WOAAAH!" the king went, he went all around the kid. Searching for something that could explain why he lifted his staff.

" Uhh, and you are?" Qi Xiăotiān asked, making his ton intimidating. Of course, not intimidating the great sage, he stepped back.

" Do you know what you just did? Do you know who I am?" He asked,

" Some weirdo dressed as a monkey?" Qi Xiăotiān guessed,

" WRONG!" the sage yelled, his tail flickering side to side in irritation. " I am Sun Wukong, great sage equal to heaven! Also known as the monkey king!" The monkey boasted, keeping his hand on his chest, which he also puffed out.

" Uh huh, and that means  I'm Tripitaka." Qi Xiăotiān mocked, ( is that how you spell it?) The ginger  monkey scowled at him, reasonably not likeing the other making fun of his dead friend.

" I'm the real deal, kid." He argued, the teen only raised an eyebrow before saying,

" Prove it." He challenged, the monkey smirked. Pulling a piece of hair and blowing on it, a complete picture perfect clone appeared. " huh, okay, Sun Wukong, why are you sudden so interested in me?" He asked, handing back the staff.

" cause you picked my staff up." He told him, the teen stared at the staff he just handed back and seemed to be in deep thought,

" what?" He asked, more like a question to himself.

" Yup!" The monkey simply said,

" umm, I'm not interested in anything you want me to do." He immediately said,

" wha-?" The monkey made an confused sound.

" I already have a goal, I don't want any monkey business." Qi Xiăotiān said, turning to his wooden sword.

" Aww,...what's your goal?" He asked, use his tail to hang from a tree branch.

" To be a royal knight." The mortal simply answered,

" about I train you?" The sage suggested, the teen stared at him for a minute.

" why?" He asked, giving a disbelieving look.

" you seem interesting, I wanna see how it's like to train you!" The sage simply said, Qi Xiăotiān took a minute to think before saying his answer.
" right, let's start a lesson." The sage smirked, falling down from his previous position. For the rest of the day, they trained together, how mentor and apprentice should have.

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