chapter 7 the first battle

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Third person's POV

The fights were intense. Everybody was set on winning. Only five matches had happend, and Mk hadn't had a chance to shine. The current one was of a guy named 'orange thunder' and ' Tyrone' it was easy who was going to win. This tiger had Tyrone on his knees, blood spilling from his nose. The Tiger just had a sadistic smile on his face as he did the finishing kick, knocking the guy out and winning the match. Mk knew he'd have to watch out for the guy. He was lost in thought, replying said match in his mind. Orange thunder preferred a close up match. It was clear he wasn't good at long distanced attack. Lucky for Mk, he had his staff. He could easily do long ranged attacks, play with that opponent. If he got him, that is.

" can Monkie kid, and Eloiphes please come to the arena." The speaker went off. Mk saw a tall lizard like man walk out. His long curled tail following. Mk followed, not before hearing the big man from earlier mock him again.

" Luck fellas. Pipsqueak is finally having a battle! We can get him out!" Mk growled under his mask, but continued walking out to the arena. He stood in front of his opponent, he could tell they were nervous. Mk decided not to use his staff for this one.

" Is both side ready?" The producer asked, Mk and the lizard yelled yes. "Then.....FIGHT!" the lizard charged for me, his fingers curled into a fist. Mk easily dodged, swiftly swinging his leg up to kick him. He got out of the way, Mk's foot grazing his cheek. He charged again, Mk let him get close. When he got close enough, Mk grabbed his fist. Enjoying the shocked look Mk got, Mk pulled him closer. Placing a hand on his chest and another on his back. Before anyone could breath, Mk had flipped him behind himself. Doing a perfect judo  move. Mk turned around, his mask making him intimidating. The lizard groaned in pain, slowly getting up. Mk placed a foot on his chest. Putting force on it, it made him stuck to the ground. He struggled, trying to get up. Desperately grabbing Mk's foot. " Stay down. You're no match for me." Mk said quietly, only for him to hear. He looked at Mk, than gave up. Letting his arms fall beside him. Signaling his defeat. It was silent for a bit, maybe because Mk just defeated him so easily. Then the crowd roared, excited and entranced from the mysterious newcomer who just won. " And just like that folks, Monkie kid has...WOOOOON!" The producer announced, making it more dramatic. Mk waved at a few people, the crowd making the place deafening. He made it back to the area where fighters were kept. Others glaring at him in fear, or anger.

" How in the actual hell did you win?" The guy who had continuously made fun of Mk for his size said.

" Hmph, guess you shouldn't judge someone for their size." Mk simply said, shrugging. His mask making it seem he was teasing the big man. The larger man growled, about to punch him before a furry hand blocked it.

" Comrade, I do not advise you hurt the young." Everyone looked to see the tiger from before. ( yes, the sexy tiger has a Russian accent. He is meant to be weird as fuck) the larger man growled at the tiger,

" And? What are you going to do?" The large man smirked. The tiger frowned, squeezing his hand tighter. No one said anything, until you could hear a sickening crack. The large man tried to retreat his hand back, letting out a howl of pain. "Fine! I won't hurt him!" The large man let out between howls of pain. The tiger let go of his hand, a sinister smirk on his face.

" Good choice, comrade." The crowd of fighters dispersed, the tiger went towards Mk. " you are a brave child, y'know?" The tiger said, his accent making it a but difficult to know what he was saying.

" Thank you..I hope you are not underestimating me as well." Mk said, glaring at the Tiger.

" Of course not. You took down that lizard so efficiently. I must congratulate you on that." The tiger had a friendly smile on his face. Mk wasn't dumb though, he knew not to make friends with people in a tournament.

" Thanks. You seem tough as well." Mk muttered, looking away.

" I like the way you think. Keeping yourself hidden. It saves the humiliation of who they were being defeated by." Thw tiger complimented again. It made Mk cringe slightly, he only muttered a thanks. The tiger didn't stop talking to Mk until the producer come on again.

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