Bang Chan

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Bang Chan could say his life was pretty normal, well if call dropping out of school is normal then yeah he had a pretty normal life.

He found his love music at a pretty young age. So when he had turned thirteen he already started creating music and signed with a music company by 14 years old which his parents did not approve of as they wanted.

Chan to pick something that would give him a brighter future which he would argue that music was his future and nothing but his music made him happy.

By the age of fifteen, he had dropped out of school to pursue music full time which he also didn't tell his parents about because knowing them.

They y would go ballistic so every day instead of going to school he would go to the company he worked at which paid pretty good money so he would have to depend on his parents.

Another thing about Chan which he would be his not is that he likes to party and get smack dab drunk.

When he was producing and composing he would be out late drinking and partying it up basically having the time of his life not giving a care in the world about anything else and now at twenty-two years he is the main producer of his company.

Right now he was just coming home from parting super late. He entered the house as quietly as he didn't want to wake up the people who were sleeping in the house.

He walked over to the couch to see his sleeping friend. He slowly shook him to wake him, " Jackson," he whispered.

He continued to try to wake his sleeping friend but after two minutes he decided to just leave him alone and head to his room. He silently opened the door to see seven little bodies on his be.

He smiled . He closed the door silently as he started to undress "papa" . A little voice said he turned and looked over at the bed to see his sleepy two-year-old Hyunjin sitting up rubbing his eyes.

" Hi my sleeping baby," he said, walking over to the bed to pick up.

Chan smiled as Hyunjin instantly laid his head on his shoulder when he also started to rub his back " did you miss appa " he asked quietly "hyunnie misses you " he answered in a sleepy tone before yawning.

Chan smiled at how cute his son was. Yes he had a son, not just one but seven.

All of the little bodies that were on his bed were his sons and if you were wondering , wait Chan is only twenty-two how could he have seven kids already. 

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