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Chan's life had become a little more difficult after Hyunjin was born and he would never blame his baby for that. It was his stupid ex's fault as she is the reason his son would have to spend his first few years of life on a breathing machine.

When he was told the news he quickly sued his ex's for all the medical bills along with the breathing machine equipment that he had to purchase and luckily the judge ruled in China's favor and she had to pay him every penny she also wasn't allowed any contact to with Hyunjin as Chan had full custody of him.

Chan made sure to give Hyunjin all the love and attention that he needed. He also had to explain to Minho and Changbin well, mostly Minho, that Hyunjin was fragile and they should be careful when holding and playing with him. Chan understood that Minho and Changbin were still babies who also needed his full attention and he made sure they would get his love and attention.

There were in fact times when Changbin or Minho would have the little meltdowns or temper tantrums but Chan would take them into another room and explain why he could play with them or do something with them at the moment and lashing out was not okay.

Other than that everything was pretty normal, well as normal as it can get for a single father with a baby and two toddlers who need him every second of the day.

A few months had passed Changbin had recently turned two years old and was now learning how to speak more but still had a habit of screaming when trying to get Chan's attention, Minho's birthday was in a couple of months and Minho couldn't wait; hyunjin was now six and his health was improving by the day even if he was on breathing machine.

Chan also wasn't planning on having any more kids at the moment, maybe in the future but right now three little babies were perfect. Not only that but he didn't think his apartment could hold any more kids.

That was all until one day when Chan had gotten all from some random couple asking if he wanted the rights to his twin babies.

To say Chan was in total shock was the understatement of the year. Apparently the mother of his twins had lied to the couple who were trying to adopt sons and were told by the twin's mother that he didn't want the twins but they later found out that she had lied to them.

After finding out they wanted to see if Chan really wanted to be the father to the twins: Chan really didn't know what to fully say, not only that but they were only giving him one day to decide before they fully adopted the twins.

Chan had been at total loss; he didn't know what to do. A small part of him wanted to tell the couple they had his consent for adopting his babies as he didn't think he could take them. The other part of him wanted to keep his babies and felt that no one but him should be raising them.

So, he did what he usually did when he found out he was about to have a baby well babies he called Jinyoung who of course spent the next ten minute yelling at him; After Chan was done getting yelled at for being an idiot Jinyoung told Chan that there was no wrong or right outcome to this decision and told him just don't regret the decision that he makes.

Chan sighed in frustration after he ended the phone call with Jinyoung. He just didn't know what he should do with very little time to think about it. Chan was in deep thought for at least thirty minutes but it was broken by the sound of Minho crying who had just woken from his nap.

Chan was starting to get up when he saw Minho coming down the hallway Chan rushed over picking up his baby and started comforting him " shh it's okay I'm here " he sat down on the couch still holding Minho after checking to see if Hyunjin and Changbin were still sleeping.

Minho also had finally calmed down and was resting Chan " Minnie how would like two new baby brothers," Chan said " binnie,hyunee" Minho replied Chan smiled " no, two new babies," he said to his son.

"Who"? "well  they don't have names yet but two people want to keep the babies but, they asked daddy did I want the babies or would I let them raise the babies "

Chan had explained Minho had sat up " no-no our babies, my babies "

Chan smiled at how cute Minho was. That's when he made his final decision he was gonna keep his babies. He did feel bad for the couple who wanted to adopt his twins but, if he let them go he would have nothing but regret.

So the next day he called the number the couple had given him " Hi, this Chan I'm calling about yesterday and I would like to keep my twins" he said and to his surprise, the couple was okay with it as they found out they were gonna be able to have their own.

The next day Chan went to go pick the twins whose names were Jisung and Yongbok but Chan felt the name was a little for Yongbok so he nicknamed him Felix. Before going to get them he had to buy two new car seats because the only one he had at the moment Hyunjin was using.

Instead of dropping Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin off, he decided to take the throw with him to pick up Felix and Jisung.

When he arrived at the couple's house they were already waiting for him outside which I thought was a little weird. There also wasn't really any greeting either as Chan just took the twins and gave a small thank you then he left and that was it.

"Appa " Chan looked back at the boys then at the road " yes Minho," he said " Which one is Lix and which one is Sungie," Minho asked as he looked at the two new babies "Jisung is the one with the dimples and Felix is the one with the freckles"Minho nodded.

Changbin just stared at the two new babies not really sure who they were but smiled at the watched him wave his hand around.

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