Minho's First Day

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Today was a very important day for a certain someone in the Bang household. Chan and his kids were currently sleeping as this is the usual thing they need if they were up. Jinyoung, one of Chan's best friends, sighed as he walked into the house.

"Of course, this dummy is still sleeping" as he walked to Chan's room, "Christopher Bang," he said in a frustrating tone as he hit Chan trying to get his friend up. Chan groaned as he sat up " I'm up. Stop hitting me '''' Hurry up and get dressed.

 It's Minho's first day, and he is gonna be late." Chan's eyes widen as he remembers what today was. Today was Minho's first day of preschool; Chan quickly got up to the bed, thanking Jinyoung and calling him the best.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes as he carefully woke Minho up to get him to dress. Minho, like Chan, groaned as he woke up. He was confused " youngie, why are you here." he asked as he held on to Jinyoung " to help you get ready for school," he said quietly, not to wake up the others as he carried Minho out of the room.

They went to the kitchen after Minho was dressed to see Chan preparing Minho's favorite breakfast, "Appa," Minho exclaimed when he saw his father. Chan grinned and said, "Hey baby, ready to start your first day of school?" as he put the chocolate chip pancakes in front of Minho, who nodded and started to eat.

After breakfast, Chan grabbed everything Minho needed for the day " he thanked Jinyoung again for watching the kids. Just as he was about to leave, he heard crying followed by "appa," which was Hyunjin. " I got it, have a good Minho," Jinyoung said, heading to the room. Chan nodded as he picked Minho up then headed out.

When they arrived at school, Chan had to sign Minho where they headed to the room he was supposed to be in. " Have a seat anywhere," the teacher had said. "Alright, have a good day," Chan said, giving Minho a kiss, which confused " apps not staying," Minho asked. 

Chan nodded, already seeing the heartbreak in Minho's eyes as his baby began to cry, holding Chan as he didn't want him to leave.

Minho continued sobbing as he held on to Chan. "Minho baby, it's gonna be okay appa back okay," Chan said, trying to reassure Minho '' no, don't leave, I don't wanna go to school," Minho said.

 Chan sighed and looked around the room to see other crying children cleaning their parents. He then saw the clock " shoot, I need to get back before Jisung goes crazy from not being there '' he thought to himself as he looked at the clock and that when he got an idea.

"Minho baby, don't you wanna make friends."


" Well, you have to stay here."

"Don't wanna leave apps to leave."

"Well, how about this appa promise he'll be back when the clock up there makes a mustache if you promise to make friends, baby," Chan said. Minho looked at the clock even though he couldn't read it, but he nodded as tears rolled down his cheeks. Chan smiled, wiping his tears away and giving him one final kiss, " appa is gonna leave now, " Chan said as he slowly started walking away, waving goodbye to Minho.

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