Christmas + Seungmin first word

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Normally, on Christmas morning, children hurry to their parents' room before the sun rises, jumping up and down on the bed to wake them up so they can see all the first gifts they got, but the Bang family were not morning people at all.Chan would also say that they are not normal at all.

They all were currently asleep, along with their father, and it was also late in the afternoon. And, if you wonder if they stayed up late. No actually the kids go to bed pretty early. As they go to bed around eight thirty every night but because Chan went bad late and woke up late. The kids have the habit of waking up late in the afternoon.

They probably would have continued to sleep until the next day.If JInyoung hadn't stormed in the house and started yelling at Chan to wake up.

Once Chan was awake the boys started to wake but like usually for the morning or afternoon without fail the second boys would wake up.

They all wanted to be held by Chan and threw a tantrum when he didn't pick them up and also like normal. Chan would ignore them because he knew it would take long for them to calm down especially when he told them he would have Jinyoung take their present always.

So after the morning meltdowns and some breakfast. They were all sitting around the Christmas tree Chan and Jiyoung watching the kids open the gift " papa can I open it " Changbin asked pointing at the box. Chan smiled nodding as that box held something Changbin had been asking him for awhile ever since he saw it on tv.

Changbin screamed when opening the box pushing it over to Jinyoung '' uncle dougie look it's an art set." he said happily Jinyoung smiled " you must have been a good boy" Changbin nod.

They spent another thirty minutes opening gifts even Chan and Jinyoung surprised eachother with gifts.

"Well today was a good christmas " Jiyoung said Chan smiled looking at the kids as they watched them play with their toys. Chan was about to say something until he saw Felix take Seungmin stuffed animal from. Now Chan of couse was expecting Seungmin to whine or try to take it back but he did something totally unexpected.


It was a pregnant pause as not only CHan but Jinyoung both had to process what Seugnmin had just said, not only that but Seungmin had just spoken his first few words. " did he just say what I think he just said " ? but Chan didn't answer as he was still in shock

"Fucking bitch" Seungmin said

Jinyoung was liveded as his blood began to boil as there was only one person to blame. "Christopher Bang" Chan quickly looked at Jinyoung dumbfounded. " Hey don't blame me. I never cuss in front of them, " Chan stated " well then where did he learn it from?" Jinyoung asked.

Chan only shrugged as got up pick Seungmin up " minnie that's a no no word you don't say"

"Yeah minnie don't repeat your dad " Jinyoung started Chan shot him a look " hyung I told you I didn't teach that ". Jinyoung rolled his eyes not believing a word Chan was saying and soon the two began to pick back and forth on who Seungmin learned the word from.

"Fucking damit"

Jinyoung and Chan had stopped their bickering as they heard the cursing coming from the other side of the door.

" Son of bitch" the voice said before Jackson had walked into the house. The two were just staring at him as he sat down " what's up with you" he asked Jiyoung, smirking before walking up to Jackson and began to lecture him on why he shouldn't curse in front of the kids.

Chan sighed before chucking " well another christmas " he said before turning his attention over to his kids.

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