Becoming A Dad

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It all started when Chan was fifteen going on sixteen. It was a very cold and windy morning when he heard a loud knock on the door. Neither of his parents was home at the time so he was completely alone he wondered who it could be.

When he had opened the door he saw no one was there but he happened to look down to see a tiny baby in a basket. His lips were blue and skin was pale as snow. Not only that he had a very thin sheet on him with a note on the side of him. Chan was in shock when he saw the baby. He quickly picked him up and brought him inside. He was cold to the touch and so small that Chan was scared one wrong move could hurt him.

This baby he looked like was only a few days old but was shown no love from the day he was born. Chan started to panic when it looked like the baby wasn't breathing he called his friend Jinyoung who was a senior who graduated from his school when Jinyoung had answered the phone Chan was saying that he needed help and to come quick Jinyoung just a replied okay, and he would be there soon.

Chan had wrapped the baby in a warmer blanket hoping that would help somehow.In a matter of minutes Jinyoung had shown up to his house and he rushed into the car, " why in the world do you have a baby "? "ask questions later just get me to the hospital " he said.

Jinyoung only nodded as he rushed to get to the hospital once they arrived Chan rushed out of the car followed by the Jinyoung "help me help " he said to the nurse as he showed her the small baby he was holding. When the nurse looked at the baby she could tell something was obviously wrong with the baby.

She took him from Chan and called the doctors as she took him away to get him the help that he needed and fast. " Care to explain now why you have a baby" Jinyoung had said Chan sighed but nodded and began to explain everything that happened up till now.

"So, what are you gonna do "? " I don't know I'm still in shock from him being at my doorstep. I can only hope that he is okay like he looked really sick when I found him," he said looking at his friend with a sadden expression. That's when he remembered the note that he grabbed from the basket.

To Chan:

Yeah! so, you got me pregnant and I don't want it along with that my new boyfriend doesn't want to raise you stupid kid so have fun raising this thing don't contact me because I want nothing to do with it. Be lucky I gave him to you but I don't care do whatever you want with it

BYE, your ex-girlfriend.

After reading the letter Chan was feeling a bunch of emotions right now but his main concern was the baby. He had given the letter to Jinyoung to read and he was pissed " I can't believe her " he said in total anger and disbelief. Chan could only nod in agreement at his ex-girlfriends' actions.

An hour or so had passed when the same nurse along with a doctor had walked up to Chan and Jinyoung " are you the baby's father " the nurse asked Chan nodded " is he okay I just want you to know I just found out I was his father I did nothing to him". The doctor smiled, " it's okay but the baby is very underweight.

He also suffered from malnutrition and mild hypothermia. He is gonna need to stay in the hospital for a couple months," the doctor said. " Can I see him, please?" Chan asked if the doctor had smiled and nodded " follow me," she said leading the two toward the ICU.

When they had arrived she showed Chan to his baby and it made him tear up as he looked at the tiny baby before him. The baby lay peacefully sleeping in the incubator. He moved closer to get a better look at his baby. " Hi my baby, I'm you appa, " he said, smiling and like some form of magic, the baby had opened his eyes and looked at him.

Chan smiled as it felt like it was just him and the baby in the room at the moment as they had an instant bond with each other " would you like to name him " the nurse asked.

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