Felix's First Word

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It's quite normal for children to be late bloomers; some walk and talk faster than others, which was fine. That was somewhat the case for Felix, who has yet to speak his first word since he was able to walk.

Felix's siblings had all started talking as soon as they began crawling, but he had never said a single word.

Chan had taken Felix to doctors on several occasions to ensure that he was in good health, and each time the doctor had said.

Felix was fine and would talk when he was ready, but Chans' issue was that he was three years old and should have started talking by now.

Now just because Felix talked that didn't mean he did have his way of communicating with everyone.

If he was hungry he would whine while rubbing his belly, If he was sleepy he would rest by someone's legs or just lay down somewhere random. If he wanted a snack or something to drink he would point to what he wanted.

If he was upset he would scream and throw things. An lasly when he wanted Chan's attention or affection he would hold his arms out.

Jinyoung and Jackson both believe Felix wasn't talking because of his pacifier that refused to let go of. Felix was attached to his pacifier and would throw a tantrum if anyone ever dared take from him.

Chan believed he would let it go when he was ready so that is why he ever took from Felix not only that but he was tired of getting bitten by Felix every time he did try to take it away.

Other than Felix not speaking he still played and laughed with brothers regardless of the fact.

Hyunjin was the only to ask why Felix wanted to speak after his younger brother a question and when Felix did answer after he kept asking Hyunjin got upset thinking Felix was ignoring him lucky.

Chan stepped in before anything bad happened explaining to Hyunjin that Felix wasn't fully ready to speak.

So for the time being Felix wasn't speaking until one night. Chan had been working late at the studio as he had a big project he needed to work on.

So, as usual, Jackson would keep an eye on the kids till he returned or until the next morning. Felix had woken up screaming and crying an hour or two after Jackson had put them to bed.

Jackson did everything to calm him down, including rocking him,giving him milking , and reading to Felix, but none of it helped.

He continued to scream and a cry as if someone was about to murder him. He didn't want to call Chan but at this he was gonna have to

" Hay Chan ''

Jackson said shouting as he could barely hear over Felix's crying. '' Yeah sorry to call you but Felix won't calm down.

I've tried everything but he doesn't work. Okay see you" Jackson said as he continued to comfort Felix,

Not even ten minutes later Chan rushed into the house. The second Felix saw Chan he raced over to him " papa " he said.

Jackson and Chan froze, they could believe what they just heard " lix" Chan said in disbelief as picked up the three-year-old " baby what's wrong " he said before kissing Felix cheek but Felix didn't answer.

" It's okay baby papa's got you? '' he said, rubbing Felix's back. '' I can't believe he said his first word" Jackson whispered. '' I know, wait till I tell Jinyoug ''.

That wasn't the only time Felix had spoken while playing with Jisung and HyunJin. Jisung had told Felix he loved him and

Felix replied he loved him back with shocked Hyunjin he ran all the way to Chan screaming about Felix talking. And little by little Felix began to talk.

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