First Halloween

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"Alright class take your seats "

Minho's teacher said it was down time." So guys, what are you guys going for for halloween? " Kino, one of Minho's friends, asked

"A Freddie from scooby doo"

"A power ranger"

"Luffy from one piece"

"Nice, I'm going to be a police officer.What about you Minho" Kino asked Minho gave him a weird look as he did not know what he was talking about " what's halloween " he asked curiously but his friends gave him a dumbfounded look " you don't know what halloween is " Moonbin asked Minho shook his head no he never heard of halloween before.

Juyeon could believe this " Minho how could you not know about halloween it the one time of year you get free candy and get to dress up as anything you want also it called trick or treating " Minho nodded as he somewhat understood " so free candy and you get to dress up" "yup it super fun ".

Minho smiled " hmm when I go home i'll ask papa can me and my brothers go i'm sure he will say yes". For the rest of the school day Minho couldn't stop thinking about trick or treating along with going out to get a costume. Since Chan isn't picking him up today he had to wait until he got home. And the second he got off the bud he raced inside the house looking for Chan '' Papa " he yelled.

" In the kitchen"

Minho smiled as he raced towards the kitchen to see Chan standing there Chan also smiled when he saw Minho " did you have a good day at school" he asked Minho nodded excitedly " so papa I have a question" Minho said. " I'm all ears' ' Minho smiled. So today Kino had asked what I was going to as halloween and I told him I didn't know what that meant then he explained it as trick or treating. So I wanted to know could we go please "

"Halloween hmm "

Chan smiled as he would love to take Minho and his brothers out for trick or treating. This would be their very first one, Now if you wonder why it's their first one well it's the simple fact that he never took them. He was either too busy or with work or having other kids so just didn't have any time but since not as busy nor having anymore kids so he could take them finally.

" Wait halloween next week shit" he thought he looked at Minho who looked at him waiting for an answer " yeah go get you brothers do we can go get customers " Minho smiled before nodding racing off. And in no time all eight of them were in the car heading to party city " papa where are going " Jisung asked.

" I'm taking guys to get costumes for halloween "; " what halloween " ?

"It's where we get to dress as whatever we want and go out for free candy. It's called trick or treating " Minho asked. Jisung just simply nodded, not questioning any farther. When the second they arrived Minho hopped out the car racing inside " Minho slowed down" Chan yelled causing the boy to stop in his tracks as Chan wasn't done getting the others out the car.

Once Jeongin and Sungmin were in their stoller they headed inside. The boys were amazed by how big the building was " boys stay close" Chan instrucked they all frowned as they wanted to run around " can we really go as anything we want papa " Changbin asked as they began to walk around.

They surprising only stayed in their for thirty minutes as they quickly found their coutimes Minho was going as a ravenclaw character from harry potter, Changbin was going as luke skywalker, Hyunjin a vampire, Jisung red riding hood which Chan had no idea why he wants to goes as that but he simply said okay and left at that.

Felix couldn't decide if wanted to be a fairy or a prince so decided to go as both. Seungmin and Jeongjin are still too little so Chan picked a puppy costume for Seungmin and a fox for Jeongin.

Minho could barely wait. The week had passed too slowly for his own liking but today was the day and the second Minho woke up he raced to put on his costumes. Even though trick or treating wasn't done till later Minho's class had permission to dress up if they wore their costumes. Minho couldn't wait to see his friends' costumes " papa come on" he yelled.

"Minho hold on I have change to Seungmin" Minoh frowned " his taking to long " Minho huffed and slumped down on the couch " oh Minho don't you look cute" Jinyoung said as he walked in to the house "Uncle youngie do you really like my costume" Jinyoung smiled and nodded " your the cutest ravenclaw i've ever seen" Minho smiled at Jinyoung's complaint.

"Wheres you papa"

"Upstairs changmin minmin"

Jinyoung nodded as he headed upstairs to look for Chan a few more minutes had passed when Can finally came down stairs " okay let's go" Chan said as he raced outside to the car.

"Minho" Juyeon said one he saw his fiend enter the classroom Minho smiled when he saw Juyeon and their other friends. They were also dressed up in cusrima "nice costume Minho what are" Moonbin asked "I'm a ravenclaw " " a raven claw what is that" Jungwoo asked Minho,Kino and Juyeon face dropped " you guys never watched harry potter". They all shook their heads no Minho race palmed before began to explain who harry potter was and what the house where,

After school Minho had to a few more hours before it was final time to go trick or treating the anticipation was killing Mnho "alright before we go boys stay where I an uncle jinyoung can see you any bad behavior and will come back" Chan said the boys nodded as they headed out. The walked for bit before come to many horses and other kids in costumes. They stopped at their first house which was covered in halloween decorations " alright go up their.

Minho nodded as he walked up the steps followed by Changbin,Hyunjin,Jisung and Felix " trick or treat" four out the five said " how cute" she said as gave them each a pack of gummy bears "papa I got gummies" Hyunjin said as they walked back over to Chan and Jinyoung. "You did "Chan said smiling. Hyunjin nodded happily they continued to walk around for next few hours getting candy even though by the second or third hour of being out Hyunjin and Felix got tired,

"Did you have fun" CHan asked Minho as they walked home Minho nodded happily looking at his bag full of candy

" Can't wait till next year"

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