Math HomeWork

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Minho sighed as he looked at the piece of paper that was on the table that happened to be his homework that his teacher had given him for the week.

 Sometimes Minho wished he could stay. Because honest;y if he knew kindergarten was gonna be this hard he would have never agreed to go in the first place.

Currently this week's homework was math, something Minho wasn't really good with so he would have to get help from either Chan or Jinyoung but currently Jinyoung wasn't there and Chan was busy with Hyunjin.

Minho was at a loss until he remembered watching a video in school; about if you ever need help that you should call the police. "Daddy can I see your phone? " Minho said, walking into the bedroom to see Chan holding Hyunjin.

"Daddy, "Minho said, trying to gain Chan's attention.

"Yes Minho '' Chan said, still not really paying attention to what Minho was saying. Minho smiled and nodded before running off to grab Chan's phone. "What's the number again 112 ( Korean police number) "he said to himself before typing it in.

"Hello Bangtan police what's the emgancey"

"Hello mr.policeman"

"Yes how may i help you "

"umm i need help "

"Okay can you tell me what's wrong, are you hurt "?

"No, I just need help with my homework, " Minho stated.

"Okay, can you tell me were your mommy or daddy are '' the cop asked. Which confused Minho as to why the cop wanted to know that "my daddy is with brother, but can you help please "

"Okay can you tell me how old you are and what your name is "?

"My name is Minho and im four."

"Okay Minho so what type of homework do you have"?

"Umm i don't but he has a bunch of numbers on the '' Minho stated as he looked down at the sheet "oh okay hold on "he heard the cop say "really jungkook "he heard someone say before someone else answered.

" So sweety can you tell me what the first question "

"Umm I don't know how read yet"

"Hello" Minho said when he heard a moment of silence he waited a few more seconds before hanging up the phone " Minho what are doing " Chan said enter the kitchen " nothing" Minho said as he placed Cha's phone on the table.

"Daddy need he;lp with homework "

Chan looked over at Minho with surprise "why didn't you tell me "? "You were busy with Hyunie, " Minho said. Chan's eyes widened before letting small laughs "my bad "he said. After that Chan helped Minho with his homework.

Chan was halfway done helping Minho when he heard someone knock on the door " I wonder who that could be" He said getting up "hello "he said opening the door he was surprised to see two police officers standing at the door "umm can help you officers".

"Yes, sorry to disturb you im officer Min Yoongi. This is officer Kim Taehyung wee received a call from this address" Chan gave them a confused look as they must have the wrong house " i'm sorry you must have the wrong house. I never called the police".

Yoongi and Taehyung looked at each other before looking back at Chan '' Umm well a little kid called his name was Minho he was asking for help with his homework" Taehyung explained Chan eyes widened before looking to see Minho still sitting at the table.

"Bang Minho come here right now"

"Did you call the police? " Chan asked Minho when Minho nodded. " I needed help. Chan wanted to facepalm. He turned back to officers " I'm sorry for any trouble he may have caused" . The two officers simply laughed " no trouble at all just wanted to make sure he was okay""

Chan smailled thanking them again before shutting the door " Minho don't go calling the police unless its an emergency "Chan "sorry i just need help"

"I know but you have ask daddy okay."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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