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Minho wiped away his tears, waving goodbye to Chan watching his dad leave the room. Minho stayed in his seat, looking around as he watched the other kids play. He was nervous and scared to get up and play with the others, so he just sat there. 

" Hay," Minho heard someone say. He looked over to see a boy " why are you sitting all alone, don't you wanna play" the boy asked.

Minho was about to speak when the boy grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the seat and walking him over to a group of 3 other boys who were playing " who's he? " one of the boys asked," looking at the two " I don't know I found him sitting all alone."

"Oh well, I'm Jungwoo."

"I'm Bin but call me Moonbin".

"I'm Kino. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, I'm Juyeon, by the way," the boy now know as Juyeon, said smiling "do you have a name, " Jungwoo asked Minho nodded "it's Minho," he replied, " well, it's nice to meet you Minho you wanna play with us," Kino asked happily Minho was unsure for at first until he remembered what he promised Chan, so he nodded yes.

They all began to play together, all five of them became friends "all alright class, come and gather around," they heard their teacher say soon everyone was in a circle. 

"Now, class, I want everyone to go around and introduce themselves along with who you live with. Then an interesting fact about yourself.

One by one, Minho's class began to introduce themselves until it was Minho's turn. "I'm Bang Minho, and I am four. I live with appa and little brothers, and I like cats," Minho said. He looked at Juyeon, who was smiling, giving him a thumbs up.

" Wait, don't you have a mommy," a student asked Minho. " no, I have one, just my apps," he replied, " that's weird. ''No, it's not. I don't have a mommy either, but I do have a papa and appa, "Juyeon said '' yeah, I have a papa, baba, daddy, and appa, " Jungwoo said " I have two mommies," someone else said.

"That's still weird. You're supposed to have a mommy and daddy," the student said, " no, not everyone here grew up differently. Some of us grew up with just a mommy or daddy or had two mommies or two daddies or with a mommy and daddy," the teacher said. After that, it was lunchtime and Minho, and the others were all seated at the table.

" So, do you really have two daddies," Minho asked Juyeon " ye,and they're the best, " Juyeon said, smiling " I have two daddies also," Moonbin and Kino said. " Jungwoo, if you have to tell them apart," Minho asked curiously.

"Well, it's pretty easy, daddy is the oldest, and he looks scary, but he really is nice unless he's mad. Then baba and papa are kind of the same. 

Still, they both love to sing and play with my brothers and me, but papa is more strict than baba is though then there is appa who had us all. He gets really sick sometimes, so daddy takes care of him. Jungwoo explained.

After lunch, the kids kept playing for a little while until it was naptime time. Minho instantly fell asleep, anticipating that Chan would be there when he woke up to pick him up. It was an hour when the teacher woke up everybody. 

When Minho woke up, he was upset to see that Chan wasn't there, but he noticed the door open. A grin emerged on his face, but back to a frown when Chan wasn't the one walking in.

Minho watched the person who walked in. He was looking for someone. He watched the person smile in his direction as he walked over to where he was. " Jungwoo," the person said. Minho looked over at his friend, who was still asleep. 

" This must be one of his dads'" Minho thought to himself. "Jungwoo baby, it's time to wake up, " the person said, picking up Jungwoo, who started to wake up " papa," he said, still half asleep.

Minho watched Jinwoo's papa smile before leaving with his friend. More parents soon had come to pick up their kids Moonbin and Kino had left a few minutes after Jungwoo; Minho and Juyeon wished them goodbye.

Minho and Juyeon, and a few other students were the only ones left. Minho and Juyeon were in the middle of playing when the classroom door opened again. Minho looked two see two male adults, one with brown hair and one blonde, and three other kids around his age standing next to them.

" Juyeon "

The person with blond hair said Juyeon stopped what he was doing to look over at who called him. He smiled when he saw who it was. " Who are they? " Minho asked " my papa and daddy, and those are my brothers Kevin, Chanee, and Changmin," Juyeon said happily " Juyeon come on, sweet it's time to go. "

Juyeon nodded. He hugged Minho goodbye " see you later, Minho," he said before running off to his parents. Minho sighed sadly and started to tear up " appa, forget about me," he said as he started crying. He heard the door to the classroom open but didn't even bother to look at who it was. " Minho " he looked up when he heard his name being called. He looked over to see it was Chan.

"Appa, I thought you forgot about me, " He said, making his dad laugh, " Minho, I could never forget about, " Chan said as he picked Minho up " did you make any friends "? Minho nodded " I made four friends" Chan smiled " I am proud of you, baby," Chan said as they headed out.

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