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Now, after five kids, Chan really didn't want to have any more after this. He still lived in the same apartment he lived in since Minho was born. And when he says there is no space, there is absolutely none whatsoever.

He knows he should move, but he doesn't have time to think about moving as he spends all his time taking care of the kids, along with dealing with Hyunjin's health issues. And his job wasn't making it any better for him, so Chan told himself no more kids for right now. Still, as fate would have it, he has gotten a call from his now ex-girlfriend telling him that she was pregnant with his child, and she was due to give birth in two weeks.

Chan was in total shock but also thought he shouldn't be surprised anymore. She asked him if he wanted the baby or not because she didn't. Of course, he said yes; " well, i'll call in when my water breaks," she said, hanging up. Chan sighed when he got off the phone, looking down at the floor. After this, he is gonna make sure he is done having kids " well, I guess it's time to look for a new house.

Chan thought to himself as he walked over to the bedroom to check on his sleeping kids. He smiled, " one more kid can't hurt," he said as he walked over to grab his computer and began the hunt for a new home. 

Unfortunately he wasn't able to look long as his adorable three year old had woken up from his nap and then began to do the usual thing when he woke up was scream his head off. Till Chan would come and pick him up, and it always surprised that none of his brothers would ever wake up to his screaming." I'm coming, Changbin," Chan said as he closed his laptop, heading back into the room.

It's been about a week now, and Chan still couldn't find a house, and the stress was starting to get him. Like the houses he looked at were either way too high or didn't have enough rooms, and he also felt he was running out of time as baby number four could come any day now.

During his break and while working, he is still looking for a new house," man, I am never gonna find a home," Chan said, sighing at the same time. He got a phone call from his ex saying she was in labor.

Chan has never rushed out of his workplace so quickly in his life. As he got in his car and raced to the hospital, he had to sit and wait. When he arrived at the hospital, the nervous feeling of having another baby still felt the same to Chan, and he knew it would never change.

It had been a few hours until a doctor had come out and walked up to Chan " are you Bang Chan " the doctor had asked. He nodded, " well, I have some good and bad news, "the doctor said. Chan nodded and said okay." Well you have a healthy baby boy, but the mother didn't make it so she began to bleed a lot. We tried our best, " the doctor had explained.

Chan was shocked. He looked in total sadness. He was just at a loss before looking back at the doctor. " Can I see my baby? " the doctor nodded as CHan stood up and showed him to the nursery where his baby was. " Do you have a name for a baby"? " Seungmin, his name is Bang Seungmin," Chan said happily.

Two days after Seungmin was born, Chan finally got to take him " are ready to meet you brothers," Chan had said as he secured the car seat into the car then drove off to Jinyoung's place to pick up his kids.

"Is that baby Seungmin?" Jinyoung said as Chan walked into his house. Chan happily nodded as he took the blanket off the car seat to reveal a sleeping baby Seungmin. Jinyoung smiled as he took Seungmin out and began to hold him. " Even though all your exes are crazy, y'all know how to make cute babies," Jinyoung said. " Yeah! I know where are the boys '' Chan had asked " sleeping I put them down for a nap right before you came "

" Chan, please let this be the last baby," Jinyoung said, " I'll try," he replied, walking off to the room. The boys were " Christopher Bang " " I said I'll try, " Chan yelled. Which he did. He really made sure to be more careful this time, but fate would have it his last. He swore his last girlfriend was pregnant. Like the others, she didn't want the baby. She had tricked religious parents who believed you should get married then have a baby and Chan wasn't ready for marriage.

So nine months later, he was blessed with baby Jeongin, and he swore on everything that this was the last and final baby and to make sure of it. He stopped dating altogether. He wanted all his attention on his kids, along with his career.

Now, if you're wondering if Chan found a new home three months before Jeongin was born. The house was huge. It had eight rooms, one of which was his studio, and the rest was the kid's room, but they would sleep there till they were older. Call him a little protective, but he wanted his kids to still sleep in the same room as him till they weren't babies anymore.

The house also had a huge basement where the kids could play. He knew moving with kids would be a challenge, so he let them stay with Jinyoung while he got everything moved in and put away and set. He also had to baby proof the house so no accident could happen.

Other than that, you could say Chan was living his best life. That whole having kids early destroys your life was total bullshit to Chan's ears as he still hung out with friends along with going out to drink and party, so you could say he was leaving his best life. And this is how Chan started his whole family.

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