Chapter 18: Virgil Finally Catches Roman... In a Net

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CW: blood, a bit of unsympathetic Roman (remember, Wolfsbane is his enemy, and Virgil works for Wolfsbane, that's all Roman knows so don't be too harsh on him), mental/emotional shock

"Wow, it feels like just yesterday when I was here," Sal sighed.

Roman was quiet for a moment before reminding her, "You were here three nights ago."

"Shh, that's not important." Sal looked at the factory from the forest edge. There were a few guards standing outside, occasionally walking around and talking with each other. "Those are new."

"Once again, you attacked three nights ago. We knew that they were going to tighten their security, especially since over half of the bombs from last time were disabled. They probably figured we would come back."

"And hey, we did!"

Roman grabbed Sal and pulled her down, shushing her. "Quiet! They'll hear us. Now how are we going to get in?"

"Same way as last time." Sal created a hole in the ground and jumped in. Roman hesitated before following. "Through the basement."

She moved them through the dirt just like last time, bringing them to the area they entered last time. This time she was much more careful with the opening, knowing that the concrete was probably destroyed from the explosion.

And she was correct, because they were able to easily and quietly sneak in. Roman looked around the room, seeing broken shelves and trash bags full of broken equipment. There were cracks in the wall, some of them were already being fixed with plaster. The stairs have been replaced with a ladder.

"Okay, I'm not as fast as you so we'll meet back here in 20 minutes," Sal said, looking at her watch. "I just wonder how many guards there are."

They didn't bother with the ladder and just flew up to the doorway, stepping into the hallway. Both of them had backpacks, five bombs each, ten bombs just like last time. Roman had the detonator in one of the pockets of his.

They decided to just split up in the hall, each of them going opposite ways without saying a word. Roman ran off, using his super speed to finish this mission faster. He slowed down as he reached a room, pulling out a bomb.

Opening the door he found an office sort of room. To his surprise, there was a bed in the room. It was unmade, but empty. Roman carefully walked in, looking around for any sign of the person who lived here. There was a computer at the desk, and next to it was a leather bound notebook, papers scattered all over the desk. Most hauntingly, the room was filled with the faint smell of blood.

The smell was stronger behind him, and a purple blur flew in front of him and grabbed the bomb from his hand, startling Roman. He looked over to where the blur stopped, seeing a small purple dragon with the bomb in it's claws.

"Oh, you must be the little trouble maker I was told about," he said. The dragon tilted his head with big purple, curious eyes. "I suppose you're cute."

The dragon growled at that and picked up the bomb in it's mouth, flying out of the room. Roman tried to jump and grab the dragon but he missed, and the dragon flew into the hall. The vampire ran out after them, seeing the dragon fly down the hall.

He ran after the dragon down the hall, which soon turned to flying because the dragon was flying out of reach, trying to stay close to the ceiling. Strangely enough, the dragon seemed to be the source for the smell of blood.

The dragon dropped closer to the ground and Roman followed, running again since he moved faster by foot. They took a sharp turn, Roman heard something metal hit the floor but didn't have time to figure out what since he was pulled up in a net.

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