Chapter 31: Remus Knows How to Salvage a Date

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"Look, again, I'm really sorry about the kids attacking you," Remus said as the two of them walked down the street. Janus had a cookie from the bakery and Remus had a muffin, but he wasn't eating it right now.

Janus simply shrugged in response. "I'm just glad you didn't set up a trap for me, as far as I know."

"Hey, while we're on this date, neither of us are working. Right?"

"One can't let their guard down. I've known one too many who have that and gotten killed for it."

"I guess that's true. Though as long as we aren't actively trying to kill each other, I feel fine. We can try to kill each other later if you want though."

Janus nodded. "Right, I forgot, I'm a fun fight."

"Wha- that's not- that's not what I meant! You're not just a fun fight."

"I'm also sexy according to you."

Remus's face darkened in color. "W-well, uh, that's not all. I mean, that's all it was at first, but I want to know you more. After all, the more I know about you, the more I can decide if I like you."

The shifter laughed at how quickly the other was flustered. "Don't worry, I don't care, I'm just teasing."

"Ha, kinky."

"You know I wanted to get to know you too, but nevermind."

"Aw come on, you should have known what you were getting yourself into. I thought I made it pretty clear what kind of person I am."

"Painfully so. But you're pretty cute sometimes, and you don't seem like a bad guy. Plus I was bored." Remus turned a darker shade of green and grumbled something, making Janus look up at him. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I'm not cute. I'm hot, I'm sexy, but not cute."

Janus smiled deviously. "I'm sorry, are you flustered?"

"No. I'm not."

"Oh that's so cute. Poisoned Thorn, a leader of the second biggest gang in this whole city, flustered because I called him cute."

"Okay, it's not fair because you're hot right now and I can't handle hot people calling me cute! Stop teasing me!"

"Oh, I thought you were into that because of your comment earlier. I'm sorry, I should have realized that you don't like being teased."

"Damn right I don't!" Remus's face continued to grow hotter. "God, I ask you out on a date and this is how I'm treated?"

"You can't handle a little flirting? Okay, fine, fine, not cute. But I'll agree that you're hot. Won't go as far as sexy."

"Do you do this with all your dates?"

"Nope, but I haven't been on a date in a while. Not since college. I haven't had the time, so even if this isn't serious, it's still nice."

"Ah, so I'm a good boyfriend?"

"I wouldn't call you a boyfriend yet. But you are... hm... courteous?"

"Y'know what, I'll take it. But this date isn't over yet! We gotta get something to eat."

"And then what, you'll take me to the movies?"

"On contraire, dear sir- ma'am- fuck your bigender what do I call you."

Janus chuckled, "Don't worry about that, I don't care which one you use."

"Well, anyway, we're not going to watch a movie. I want to take you to my favorite spot in town. I don't even take my brother there!"

"That sounds interesting."

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