9-Banana Pancakes

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I was nervous. 

There wasn't a reason I needed to be, it was just Rowan coming over to help me with the house but yet I found my self tossing and turning all night in anticipation for today. 

Hell, I even spent extra time getting ready this morning. Not too much, I wasn't about to destroy good clothes with paint or fry my hair just for it to get sweaty but I did put on a light amount of makeup. 

I actually wore my favorite perfume.... I really needed to get a grip on myself. 

Rowan could be a good friend while I'm down here. Separating him from his brother seemed a little too easy though, which put me on edge. That put me at risk for allowing this unwanted feeling to develop. 

Trying to snap myself out of the funk I was in I made banana pancakes for Rowan and I to eat before we get started. Stupidly we still hadn't exchanged numbers so I had no idea when he was coming over, hell I didn't have Lennox's number either. 

I needed to rectify that asap. 

Finishing up the pancakes I placed them on a plate and left them on the kitchen island. The doorbell rang with perfect timing and I headed to the front to open it, snagging a pancake on the way there and taking a bite just as I open the door. 

Rowan stands there in worn gym shorts and a tee shirt. In one hand he held the ladder making his muscles bulge and the veins in that arm prominent. 

I choke on the pancake. 

"Oh shit, Case. You okay?" Rowan asks, setting the ladder down so it's leaning against the side of the house. 

I nod frantically as I try to swallow the piece that's stuck in my throat. 

Finally pushing it down dry I give him a thumbs up as I fight back the tears and coughing fit I feel building up. 

"I'm good." I croak and step back so Rowan can step inside. 

He closes the door behind him and wordlessly follows me into the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grab a bottle of water and drink half of it down, immediately feeling better. 

"Have a pancake." I tell him and he bursts out laughing, my cheeks heating in embarrassment. 

"I'm a little scared I might die if I eat one of those." He says and I glare at him, "It had nothing to do with the pancake itself, now try one."

A small laugh escapes him but he grab one and takes a bite.

"Oh fuck this is good." He says once he's swallowed the piece, managing not to choke like an idiot like I did. 

"I forgot you're a little baker. Lennox inhaled like two thirds of those muffins." He informs me and my heart warms at the thought that they liked them that much. 

These banana pancakes were also a recipe I had received from my grandma. 

She has a thing for brunch foods and considering she hosted a weekly brunch I wasn't surprised. 

"Thank Grandma Jo for these amazing recipes, without her I don't think I would've ever gotten into baking." I tell him. 

"She taught you to bake?" He asks before snatching another pancake from the pile. 

I nod, "Every time I came to visit she would teach me something new. It was one of my favorite things to do while with her. She would tell me stories of her and my grandpa or my mom when she was little."

"She sounds like a great woman." Rowan says and I nod sadly, "She was the greatest. After everything with-" I clear my throat, not wanting to bring Eric up in front of Rowan, "She'd been so supportive. She offered for me to hide out at her house when things started to get bad. She was just there for me, same for my mom when my dad left."

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