19-Dinner By The Fireplace

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Rowan tenses as he looks down at his phone screen. 

He seems to contemplate answering whoever is on the end but the war ends when he clicks the accept button and brings it up to his ear. 

"Mom?" He says and I walk over to him, and squeeze his bicep. 

Jill isn't someone you want a phone call from, well unless you're Eric I guess. 

Sometimes I think about how much energy I spent trying to impress that woman but I was never good enough for her baby boy. 

Still, I can't imagine having her as a mom, thinking about what I have seen and what Rowan has told me, it pains me that someone could treat their own son that way. 

"No, I didn't say anything bad about him." Rowan tells her, running his hand through his hair. 

"I don't think that's a good idea." He tells her, clearly growing frustrated. 

Lennox looks over me and mouth, 'You good?' then points over to Rowan. 

I understand what he means so I nod and he sighs before grabbing his stuff and leaving the rink. 

"Mom, the summer is almost over there is no point for Eric to come down here now."

My eyes widen at his words. 

Eric wants to come down here?

Maybe he figured out where Rowan was and put together the pieces, I mean it isn't that hard to see where Lennox is from. 

The only thing keeping me from completely panicking is the fact that Eric doesn't even have a clue that I'm here, for all he knows I'm still up with my family. 

Hell, he probably doesn't even note the time we came down here memorable. 

Rowan huffs and plops down on the bench, "I don't have anything against, Eric, where did you even get that? I just don't think it's worth it, okay?"

I can hear her voice raising on the other line. 

Dear God I dislike that woman. 

"Mom, please don't start this."

I sit beside him and run my fingers through his hair in a calming gesture that has his shoulders loosening. 

"You're just jealous of your brothers talent." I can hear Jill's voice loud and clear now that I'm so close to him, "That's why you don't want him there helping with those kids. Just admit it instead of making excuses."

That fucking bitch. 

I definitely think I need to call my mom later and just thank her for being such an amazing mother, I truly don't know what I would've done without her in my life. 

"I'm not jealous, I just don't think it's worth it, which I have already told you." He tells her and she starts to grumble all over again. 

Rowan's free hand comes to rest on my thigh and give it a squeeze as his eyes find mine. 

I give him an apologetic look as his mom rambles on in his ear. 

"Look, mom, I have to go. I'll talk to you later ok?"

She audibly huffs before hanging up. 

I don't like the sad look in his eyes and the fact that I can't take that feeling from him, even though I so badly want to. 

If just for a moment I could bare the pain his family gives him I would.

Rowan doesn't deserve it, he deserved a family who loves him. 

A family like mine. 

"I'm sorry." I tell him, truly meaning it. 

He just shrugs, "It's whatever honestly."

I shake my head, "It's not, babe. She should have supported you the same way she supported Eric, both of your parents should have and I am so sorry that they didn't."

He gives me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes, "But I have you."

Heat blooms in my chest as I rest my head on his shoulder, "Yeah, you have me."

For how long? I'm not sure. 

🏒 🏒 🏒

We left the rink with a dark cloud over our heads. 

I decide to cook dinner and have Rowan wash up in the mean time, knowing the day took a toll on him. 

I need something that can cheer him up and I know something that might just do the trick. 

It won't change his feelings about the words his mom said to him but I can help take his mind off of it for a while, give him something good. 

After putting the potatoes in the oven I walk over and turn on the tv, finding one of those videos on YouTube that will play the sound and picture of a fireplace. 

I would light the real one down below but I don't feel like having a heat stroke tonight. 

Gathering a throw blanket and a few pillows I lay them out in front of the fireplace. Then I get two glasses and place them on the ledge of the fire place along with the rest of the food. 

I'm just putting the potatoes in a bowl when Rowan comes down in a tee shirt and shorts. 

He stops when he sees the setup in the living room. 

"What is this?" He asks as I walk over and set the bowl down, before taking a seat on the blanket. 

I pat the open spot beside me, "Come on, we're having dinner by the fireplace."

Rowan looks up at the tv and I shrug, "It's ninety degrees outside, I had to improvise."

He laughs before taking a seat beside me, "It's definitely something, but I love it."

I love it too. 

We sit there for a while and enjoy the steak and potatoes I made as we drink an old bottle of wine I found here. 

I tell him about all the sports I tried and collectively failed at and he tells me about the one time he tried to play soccer but could never kick the ball. 

It's a good night but neither of us talk about the call with his mom and I understand why. 

I don't remember much about my dad, nothing really at this point, but it's still hard to talk about. 

You feel unwanted when your parents treat you like you're nothing when you love them like they are everything. 

I just can't imagine living with that, at least I have Marcus who was the dad I needed. 

Rowan had no one. 

That night when we lay there in bed, my head on Rowan's chest I vow to never make him feel unwanted. 

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