26-Everything Must Come To An End

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Everything must come to an end.

It seemed now that Rowan and I were happy and in a good place time wanted to fly by.

Rowan was leaving for Boston in four days and every day we got closer to that day the more anxious I felt.

The thought of not waking up snuggled up to him felt criminal. Like just that thought alone shouldn't exist and the reality of it would be so much worse.

It wasn't like we would only be two hours a part but that was too much especially once the season started and Rowan would be on the road and I'd be working all the time.

It wasn't fair, none of it was.

I just want more time with him, with us being together.

Our future wasn't clear to me and I think that's what scares me the most. What if the distance actually causes us to drift apart?

I was an over thinker to my core and this whole situation was twisting me up inside.

"Sweetheart, you ready?" Rowan asks, as he finishes buttoning up his shirt.

Tonight we are going on a date, but all I can think of is this might be our last one forever.

I bite my lower lip as I contemplate what to tell him. I don't want to sound clingy or suffocating.

"Baby," He crouches down in front of me, taking my hands in his.

"I don't want you to leave." I admit because I feel like it's better than bottling everything up inside.

His face twists in pain, "I don't want to, you know that right?"

Of course I knew that. It wasn't like he was just leaving to leave. it was always just summer but that didn't mean I wanted him to leave.

"I know, it's not that. I'm just going to miss you." I say and he nods as if he understands.

When I came here this summer I never expected this to happen and I know he didn't either. Now here we are about to have to face reality.

"I'm going to miss you too but we'll still see each other." He promises, "I want to make this work, Case."

I could feel the tightness in my throat and the tears behind my eyes but instead of letting them fall I clear my throat.

"I want that too."

He smiles, "Good, now lets enjoy the time we have left here."

I nod, "Ok."

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The dinner is wonderful and exactly what the two of us needed.

We were able to relax and just enjoy each others company.

It was nice pretending like he wasn't leaving in a few days.

We found ourselves sitting on the porch swing after as we stared out into the sunset.

"I think I took for granted how nice this is." I tell him, "I never thought the quiet life would be more me but I can't deny, I love it."

He holds me tighter, "I like it too. I can see myself settling somewhere like this once I retire."

Which given the fact that this is only his second season is a long while from now.

"I remember Grandma Jo telling me about how my grandpa built her this house. That he chose this spot because he claimed the sunset here was perfect and it reminded him of her." I stare at the red glow behind the trees.

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