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"Y/n get up you're going to be late!"

"Do you have any other hobbies than patronizing me?" I mumble.

"Y/n." She returns

"Venus," She sends me a stern glance. "Fine you win."

"Your starting new classes today, the least you could do is show up on time," She chimed.

Venus has been my best-friend sense high school. She moved in next to me halfway through freshmen year. We had all the same classes together so it just kind of happened naturally, when we first met it seemed on the outside like we had been friends for years, she just has a natural appeal.

"But then they have higher expectations,"

"Get over it, and lock the door on the way out, you have about 10 minutes to get ready so be choppy, I'm going."

"Ok mom thanks,"

Fuck me. I stand outside of the classroom door anticipating the embarrassment of walking in late. My first class of the day is Russian, with Mrs Romanoff. She is new but non the less already earned the reputation of being a bitch. So in conclusion I'm shitting my pants. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. The sound of heels gaining sound knead my eardrums. As the door opens Im greeted with a green eye'd, red haired, and sharp woman.

"Miss Y/l/n?" she inquired without a single facial expression.

"Yes? How did you-"

"Why are you late to my class?" She demanded.

"I um, I, well I, I just-"

"At a loss for words are we? You are to return to my class after school for a hour detention so you can write a paper explaining why you were late and why you will never be late again to my class without a proper excuse. Understand me?"

"Yes," I return.

"It's 'Yes Mrs. Romanoff'. Don't make me correct you again." she speaks lowly.

"Yes Mrs. Romanoff." I plastered a false smile on my face to which she returned exactly.

"That's more like it."

She turned around and immediately resumed teaching the class. My eyes doing as they want trailed down her body, a pencil skirt fitted perfectly and a button up blouse just sheer enough to hardly make out what was underneath. Why am I thinking about this, She's my professor who just obliterated me for being late almost as if her life depended on my where a-bouts. She looks young though...

The rest of the period I spent admiring her physique instead of listening thus I learned next to nothing except that I shouldn't show up late. I don't think she noticed, she didn't give me another glance after I sat down. Fortunately the bell rang shortly after and I didn't have to smother in my embarrassment mush longer.

The next class on my list was calculus, today the professor kept it simple sense it was the first day and he dismissed us early, next was my lunch period.


"So Mrs. Romanoff didn't tear you to shreds?" She smirks.

"No I think she's saving that for this afternoon. She gave me an hour long detention so that I can write an essay about being tardy..."

"Yeah good luck with that" We talk as we take our seats at the cafeteria table.

"How's Miss. Olsen?" I try to question without sounding desperate."

"You mean your 2 year long crush? She's doing great, perhaps you should ask her yourself rather than me, you have her next period, try not to embarrass yourself."

Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now