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"You didn't think I was just gonna let you get away with fucking Natasha, did you?"  Now dressed in lingerie, she begins to walk towards me with a pair of handcuffs.

"Lizzie I'm sorry-"

"Shh shh sh, save it for later, from now on you only get to talk when your spoken to? ... OK?" She crawls on my lap again this time pulling off my shirt and cuffing my hands to the bed frame.

"okay m-Lizzie" I quiet myself.

"What was that?"  She grabs my jaw, directing my face towards her.

"Nothing." I reply quickly.

 "Don't lie to me" her eyes penetrate mine.

"mommy..." I mumble in embarrassment. My cheeks gloss over in red.

A smirk forms in the corner of her mouth "Hm, I like that name" she caresses my cheek with her thumb. "Now do what mommy tells you ok?" Her free hand moves underneath my underwear, she slowly pushes her finger around my folds, avoiding my clit.

"Mmhm" my eyes run down her body beautifully decorated with red and white lace. She tightens her grip on my jaw and pushes my head up. "My eyes are up here, I'll tell you when you can look other places." She pulls off my underwear using the hand she already had down there. She begins to plant kisses along my body all the while keeping eye contact. She stars at my neck then works her way down my body until she gets to my thighs. She pauses for a moment then plants painfully slow kisses on my clit. She gives the eye contact a rest. She starts things slow and gentle, not much pressure. 

She wants me to beg for more, but I'm not ready to give in. I can feel a pool of wetness beneath me. My body is flustered and my skin is aching for more. My muscles tense in waves. She pushes my legs apart, I didn't even realize they had started to close. I think she realized Im not gonna give in so easily. I want so badly to hold a dominance over her but the feelings are becoming overwhelming. She picks up pace swirling her tongue around my clit. She uses one hand to push down on my tummy. I become a moaning mess. With out warning she uses her free hand to push in a finger. I gasp and moan louder in response. I feel Lizzie smile against my folds. My hips move in rhythm with her finger curling inside me. 

"Right there  mommy," I feel a knot in my stomach building. She pushes in a second finger adding to my pleasure. I jerk my hands forgetting they're restrained. I feel a small laugh escape her mouth. She knows what she's doing. I look down to the beautiful sight. "It feels so good," I manage to get out between moans. She looks up to my eyes while continuing to pleasure me. Seeing my flustered state she smiles. "fuck,"

"Cum for me baby," Almost instantly I reach my high. I throw my head back into the pillow. Lizzies mouth detaches from me but her thumb replaces it to help me ride out the pulses of ecstasy. She plants more kisses on my neck. "You're doing so good for me," She speaks as she pushes fallen hair out of my face. The hand that was previously on my stomach is now wrapped around my throat. Not too tight but its there. She leans in closer to my ear "But I don't think that will last much longer." She whispers. She climbs off of me and heads back to the bathroom. My hands are still locked above my head. My breathing has died down to an almost normal rate but my heart is still pounding in my chest... and other places. 

This time when she comes back out she puts a blindfold across my eyes. I feel the bed dip down as she gets closer. She unlocks the hand cuffs. I bring my hands back down to my chest and rub my wrist for a second, there will definitely be marks tomorrow. 

"Get on your hands and knees" 


"Now." her tone has become darker than before. "If you wanna fucked so bad?" I didn't realize she was this pissed about Natasha.

"Natasha didn't mean-"

"Did I stutter? Move." I turn around on my hands and knees. "This is your punishment," I feel the tip of her strap at my entrance. She glides it up and down my slit as a tease. Without warning she pushes it all the way in. 

"Lizzie ple-" She smacks me ass interrupting me.


"Mommy please, I need a second." She gives me a moment to adjust to the size. She progressively picks up the pace as the pain turns to pleasure. 

"You're so fucking wet,"  

"fuck," Im panting and I'm not sure how much longer I can go.

"does that feel good?"

"yes please, don't stop, fuck it right there." She thrust in even harder than before, a second knot builds in my stomach. I reach my hand up to the headboard for more support. "Shit Lizzie" She stops her thrusts and grabs my hair pulling my head back. She pulls the blindfold off my head and speaks near my ear. 

"What did I tell you?" I don't answer right away. She pulls my hair tighter, making me quietly hiss in pain. 

"Im sorry mommy," She pulls the strap the rest of the way out leaving me feeling empty. She lets go of my hair and moves off the bed. I fall back to the pillows and allow my body to rest. Lizzie grabs my ankle and pulls me towards her at the side of the bed. I roll over to which she pushes back in continuing at the rate she was previously at, the know in my stomach reappears. She grabs my legs and pulls them over her shoulders for a better angle. "mommy.. I need to cum... please" I pant out.

"No." I try to hold out longer but the feeling is becoming tense.

"Mommy, fuck please! I- I can't"

"Hold it." Her voice is still stern, she wants me to fail. She wants to punish me. Fuck it I guess, literally. My legs start to shake, as I throw my head back in pleasure.  Lizzie pushes my legs off of her and pulls out frustrated.

"What the fuck is your problem?! I told you NO,"

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't, I tried telling you-"

"NO, you don't get to tell me shit. Matter of fact come here." I slide myself to the end of the bed. Lizzie jerks me up and practically drags me to the bathroom, I could hardly walk anyway. She flips on the light switch.

"Bend over."

"Lizzie its to much, my legs still feel weak."

"You did this to yourself. Now bend over."  I reluctantly bend over and rest my elbow on the countertop. "Good girl"  She pushes the strap back in hard and fast. My body feels over whelmed, it's too much stimulation.

"Mommy I can't,"

"Take it."

"Shit, shit, shit" I mumble to myself. Tears start streaming down my cheeks. 

"Look in the mirror" She demands. I lift my head slightly with what energy I had left. She grabs my hair and pulls it back further. I feel on the edge again simply from watching her ruin me. Suddenly her thrust become more aggressive. 

"look at what a fucking mess you are" She laughs at me. Im still a sloppy moaning wreck unable to talk. "Whose cunt is it?"

"It's yours mommy."

"Whose?" This time louder.

"Yours Mommy!"

"Good, it better stay that way, and if it doesn't, I want you to remember how I have you bent over right now, with makeup running down your face, fucking that little cunt of yours. This punishment only scrapes the iceberg, next time I won't be so gracious"


I know the whole mommy thing isn't everyone's cup of tea so let me know if you want it to change although this was a request so I guess I'm taking requests now? Leave in comments here or message me. Not proof read. Also sorry I disappeared for a bit Im gonna try to be active also I thought I knew where I wanted the story to go at this point but I'm currently revising soooo if you have any ideas lmk <3


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