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The rest of the week goes by in a daze. No classes to intrude my time with Lizzie. We simply just got to enjoy each others company. I should probably go back home for a day though and grab a few things and check in with Venus. Lizzie left earlier this morning but I already told her I was gonna be leaving later.

My phone dings. It's an unfamiliar number.


Hey, This is Devyn. We met at
the bar the other night. I was
wondering if you maybe
wanted to get coffee sometime?
Also I never caught your name?


It took me a second to figure out who this was and or even if its a good idea, which maybe its not but I trust myself. During this short moment of intermission I call lizzie and ask her if it was ok. She said it was fine and just to call if I need anything.


Y/n. Are you free now?

Yeah haha, you have any


Meet me at Earthling's in 15?

Yeah, see ya in a minute.


Devyn is a little bit more casual then I expected... but I mean I guess I've only met the drunk version of her? This isn't a date just a get to know her thing. She's just visiting. I grab my purse and head over to the coffee shop as Im walking in I find Devyn taking a seat at a mini table adjacent to the big windows.

"Devyn?" Her heads turns up to me and she puts out her hand.

"Hey! Its good to see you again, a bit more sober this time."

"Yeah.." I awkwardly laugh. "Anyway, have you ordered anything?"

"Actually no, I was gonna wait for you to get a recommendation."

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"Surprise me."

"I'll go place our order real quick." I go up to the counter before she can offer to pay and order two drinks. I go back to the table and start up a conversation.

"What brings you to New York?"

"Im here on a work trip but our event got pushed another week out so I had nothing to do and decided to go out and explore a bit."

"So that's what you would call that night?" I smile with my eyes. At first she doesn't give me a verbal response only a sarcastic smile.

"I was a bit drunk and my husband wasn't there to keep me entertained so I found something better to do." The way I choked on my drink was a bit embarrassing. She giggle a bit at my response.



"Well before I leave I need to get another drink to take back to my girlfriend"

"ah, I see."

"What do you rate the coffee?"

"Hmm," She smacks her mouth as if she's really observing the flavor, making the playful anticipation grow. "10/10."

Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now