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The morning bell rings and I'm actually on time without what Venus would call "help" and what I would refer to as harassment.

"Your first graded assignments are on the front table if you would like to look at them and see your grade." Mrs. Romanoff announces and she walks through the classroom to her office. I head to the front to grab my paper along with most other students. What the hell, a D minus ??? This bitch acts like she needs a D plus, I mean damn. As Mrs. Romanoff leaves her office I approach her.

"Can we talk about my grade?"

"What about it?" She questions.

"Why did you give me a D minus?" My tone grows agitated.

"As you may or may not know, a large portion of your grade is determined by your class participation, it is to my judgement that you aren't putting in much effort so you get a D minus, that just how I grade." She speaks with amusement as if she is trying to piss me off.

"Ok well is there anyway I can make it up?" I ask half sighing

"Do you have any other classes today?"

"I only have one more, Mrs. Smith but that's not until 1 so that gives me 5 hours if you take away my lunch period as well..." Shit shit shit...

"I'm not going to need you for five hours Y/n. At most, two." She speaks as if I was being ridiculous, like I was supposed to know what the hell she wants. As if she didn't teach me yesterday she was unpredictable.

"Thanks..." I awkwardly attempt to end the conversation

"Mmhm." She walks toward the front of the room to begin the class. I take my seat in the front and prepare my materials, I guess I'll "actually" try today. About half way into the class I start to zone out into Lala land, worrying about lizzie, why didn't she talk to me yesterday after the ... the incident. I should text her... I grab out my phone and try to keep it hidden behind my computer.

Lizzie :)

Hey, this is Y/n

Just checking in on you :)

I put my phone on vibrate and tuck it under my legs. My heart probably stopped for a second, I look up to find Mrs. Romanoff staring at me, she goes to speak but hesitates. I squint my eyes in confusion. She looks away and decides to continue with the lesson rather than call me out. I'm not sure if I should be happy or even more scared... I'm not sure why and it's probably not a good idea but I have the urge to see how far I can go before she calls me out. After about 5 seconds of consideration I decide to push her pet peeves. I get up in the middle of her speech to grab a tissue from the side of the room I sit back down and don't glance until I'm seated normally. Her speech slowed for a moment as I previously stood but other then that, she ignored me...

I pick up my pencil and start lightly tapping it on the desk. She finally shoot me a teacher glare, I can't help but smirk at her patience thinning. My phone vibrates, I check the screen to see its Lizzie.

Lizzie :)

That's verkind you majesty

Why are you texting me like that 💀

like wut???

Are you drunk? Lizzie its 10 in the morning.

WRONG Try agssfdain

Don't tell me your high


Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now