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Venus 🦧

Hey you wanna go out tonight?


After giving it a thought, fuck it why not, its not like I have any strings attached right?

Venus 🦧

That actually sounds like something I

need right about now, I'll meet you at

the house in 15?



A few minutes later as I was on the way to my house I got an email from Mrs. Smith saying that she cancelled the class for today sense she felt under the weather and no one could come in for her. I don't bother to open the rest of the texts from Lizzie, they probably just consisted of drunk "are you ok"'s. When I get to the house Venus isn't there yet so I take a shower and start to get ready.

"Please tell me that's not what you're wearing," Venus states

"What's wrong with this??"

"Are you being dead ass?" ... "You're being dead ass right now." I thought my fashion sense was better but her facial expressions are starting to humble me. She gets out a red velvet two piece, the bottom is a high waisted skirt with a slit that goes down to my feet and the top is a cropped tank top with a zipper on the back.

"Go put this on," I change once more, and return to Venus.

"Holy shit, You look hot."

"Your amount of shock is starting to offend me." I remark. "Remind me where we're going?"

"We're gonna go to the paradise club, it's relatively new."

We hop out of the Uber and go in the club after going through the bouncers. Im not sure what time it is but its dark out so late enough. I stick with Venus for a while but she started talking to some guy so I took a seat at the bar and leave her be.

"Bourbon whiskey neat please"  I allow my posture to slightly slouch.

"Damn, what happened to you?" The girl to my right spoke. The seat to my left is empty. The girl looks my age but I don't recognize her.  She has maroon curly hair that complements her dark skin effortlessly.

"Not enough, unfortunately," I reply quietly giggling to myself and chug down the drink. The sweet burn feels nice. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Probably not, I'm just visiting-"

"You wanna dance?"

"Why not?" She smiles. I grab her wrist and maneuver us to the dance floor.  We dance together face to face at first as some Rihanna remix blast through the speakers.  As the music plays on we move in closer. At some point her back becomes pressed to my front, our bodies grind in rhythm with each other. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom, i'll be right back!" She shouts over the music. I give her a nod in return.

A familiar scent fills my nose. It's intoxicating. It's Natasha.

I turn around to find Natasha in the same situation as I, for a moment there is a brief sense of peace but it fades as quickly as it showed up. 

"Can I help you?" I spit out.

"Can we talk?"


Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now