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The sun is duller this morning then the previous days. There are many clouds but not the kind for rain. Lizzie's legs entangled with mine is a different kind of perfect. Her gentle breath will forever be soothing. I get up from the covers after laying there longer then I probably should've, and got us breakfast from the hotel café.

When I got back to the room Lizzie was already awake. We split a large, light and flakey croissant with drizzled honey. We each got our own bowl of fruit as a side. I got Lizzie coffee and myself earl grey tea.  As we ate there was a peaceful silence. We were both content with the presence of each other. My eagerness overtakes me.

"So what's planned for tonight?"

"Don't start, it's a surprise. I'll give you your dress closer to time when we are getting ready."


"No. Don't make me repeat myself."  A slightly twisted thought: I love when she's stern with me ugh. I walk behind her chair and wrap my arms around her placing kisses on her neck. She slowly starts to give in. A soft hum dances on her lips. Her knuckles grow white.

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself" I pull away.

"Save it for later y/n." I can't help but giggle at her blushing.

"Yes Ma'am" as I walk by her she smacks my ass.

"What do you want to do today in the mean time?"

"I have a few ideas" I smirk at my joke. "I'm just kiddinggg, unless-"


"Hehe. Maybe I should hang out with people in the group to seem less suspicious?"

"Yeah that works plus it will give me time to prepare for tonight" she says smiling. After that she practically throws my bag at me and shoves me out the door.

I head to the room of the girls I last had dinner with, the faint swarm and laughter hid behind the door. I knock twice to which I get a quick response from Avery. As the door peers open its obvious they are getting ready.

"Hey so I don't really have any plans for today and was wondering if I could hang out with you guys?"

"Yeah totally! We are about to go out and explore a little, Mrs. Romanoff is gonna take us to a nice strip to stroll on."

oh. I try not to dwell too much. Im not worried about what Natasha would do just more so what she would have to say, she confusing and scary and knows more than I do about my own relationship seemingly. "Sounds like fun"

Within no time they are ready and we are on the way to the elevator, as if the timing of everything hasn't already been messed up enough, Natasha leaves her room as we walk by.

"Hi girls," She inflates her presence. She follows us to the elevator. the other girls in conversation get in first and Natasha and I enter last. We stand next to each other on the elevator in silence while the girls keep talking. I glance over to Natasha to find her doing the same. Her eyes flicked away quickly in humility.

"What?" I ask even though apart of me still doesn't want to know. "Natasha-" I silenced myself as she wife's her eyes at me for the name. "Ms. Romanoff, how much longer we gonna keep having this silent argument before you tell me what the hell is going on" I whisper yell.

"Lizzie isn't exactly who you think she is..." I urge her on silently. "Her family is well known to say the least and I just don't want you to get wrapped in to deep without knowing..."

The elevator opens before I can ask anymore questions. Natasha leads the way as we all follow, the girls remain clueless. Most of the time they live in their own world together. I don't blame them though, they seem content.

Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now