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The sun is peaking through the curtains, the other side of the bed is empty but the shower is running. The clock shows 8. Today we are supposed to tour a bit around Italy to view it natural and man made wonders. I go through my suitcase and plan out a simple outfit, not anything too dressy but not casual either.

I need to take a shower and clean up from... last night. I knock on the bathroom door and get no response. I go in. Lizzies body is blurred by the shower glass.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to come in here,"

"Do you mind if I join you?"  I start undressing. Without words she opens the shower door and guides me inside by the hand. She pulls me under the water with her. Her chest to my back and her arms wrapped around my waist. She rest her head on my shoulder for a moment. The world feels like it has gone quiet and all of my problems have disappeared.

She pulls away for a moment, her hand introduce themselves to my scalp, sudds of soap fall from my head as she massages it. The sudds adventurually stop falling. We take our time washing each other. When we step out of the shower I notice the evidence of last night laced around my neck in the mirror. As we get ready I use make up to hide the marks. It's finally time to go. We meet the rest of the group in the lobby, I mingle in with the other students and present to be apart of the conversation, throwing in a "yeah" or "ok" as they all talk. Lizzie makes her way to the front by Natasha. I didn't stare but based off the glances I did take there is an awkward tension and not one I would've expected either. This one has a history to it. It's one that I know nothing of.

I want to know what's going on but unfortunately its not the time or place. I'll try to not think of it for now and attempt to enjoy the day. Im probably just overthinking but its also not a good sign that Im having to convince myself that nothing is wrong.

"We are going to split into two groups and explore the city a bit, but before we do that we are going to go get breakfast. After we are done exploring we will all meet here in the lobby by 5 pm. You have to stick with at least one person or a group if you break away from one of the main groups. Do I make myself clear?" Natasha announced. So much for the tour.

The group replies with a collective yes and those that don't have Natasha as a teacher at school have picked up on the stick that's always up her ass. But regardless the lecture ended and now we were off to our first destination. As we walked I slowly made my way to the front, I spot Lizzie easily but Natasha was gone I glacé around and find she's keeping the students in check at the back of the line. As I watch Lizzie the pep in her step is visibly noticeable. It's adorable. I decide to speak with her.

"What's got you all excited?"

With a cute smile on her face she responds, "I haven't been to this place in years and this was always my favorite place to eat breakfast"

"You've been here before?"

Her smiles drops a little bit. "When I was in college I studied abroad for awhile and this was one of the places I stayed, it's one of my favorite places to visit. And speaking of places I want to show you something tomorrow night." Her eyes glance over to mine.

"I like the sound of that" She hits my arm.

"Shut up. But if we go which you are it's not optional, I need to get you a dress." Her walking slows to a stop. She redirects her attention to the group. "Ok everyone we're here, please behave, your not in high school. thank you."

We all head to the outdoor seating and order our drinks. I sit a few seats away from Lizzie with a few girls I'm somewhat friends with. Luckily most people on this trip are nice. They don't mind me coming and going throughout the day, and even better they don't ask questions. But that's most likely because they don't pay attention. They oddly think I'm really funny and invite me to their functions but I've been pretty occupied lately.

Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now