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Are you going on the trip
to Italy?

Are you ok? Why are you
still being nice to me? And
not that I care but where tf
have you been? And what
trip to Italy.

Oh Sorry. Why the hell
aren't you up to date with
things? Hasn't Ms. Olsen
told you? And where Iv'e
been is non of your concern.

Me and Ms. Olsen aren't
really talking right now.

The trip is in two weeks,
ands its being paid for by
the school, If you go you will
most likely be traveling with
my class.

Yeah I'll go.


The morning rolled around faster than I expected and I am now dreading going to Lizzies class. Pain. I go to Natasha's class first as always expecting the worst but she has rather been quiet regarding me, no "detentions" and she has stopped embarrassing me in front of the class, instead she just glances at me once in a while, but its not a glance I can read, there is meaning behind it, but not one Im familiar with. Hopefully she keeps this up while we're on the trip, you know I was actually hoping that I would get to enjoy it although I'm not sure how helpful the silence will actually be sense it allows me to thing about... things.

During the lunch break I sat with Venus and one of her many friend groups. She's definitely a gemini. Despite her not always making the best choices she is probably one of the smartest people I know. The lunch break went by faster than I had hoped.

I walk slow so that I don't arrive to her class early, I wait on a few other students and try to blend in with them when I walk in. I sit in the back of the room this time to avoid her. She is down at the front of the classroom same as yesterday, if thins are emotionally taking a toll on her its not showing. She hasn't looked at me once, not even a glance when she looks over the rest of the class. Its hard for me to focus when I can't stop thinking about the things that happened yesterday. After what felt like forever the class was over, I packed early so I could leave asap.

The next two weeks were about the same though the pain began to soften. My mind was still overrun with the moments and memories shared thus far, I know she said she needed to think about it but what are the odds she would be willing to risk her career and practically her feature for some random student in her class she's known for a few years that could literally have minuscule meaning in her life? I haven't told Vera what's going on though she has probably figured it out already without even trying. She's not going on the trip with me sense she doesn't have those classes and it makes me slightly nervous, although I think I'm ok at making new friends when I want to...

Its now two days before we leave for the trip to Italy. I had Venus help me with packing cause she was adamant she knew about the style and culture there so why not? Tomorrow I only have Ms. Romanoff's class, Li- Ms. Olsen cancelled hers...


The classrooms vibe was higher then normal, even Ms. Romanoff seemed happier than usual, probably because the trip is tomorrow but still, Im gonna enjoy this while it last. Unfortunately that wasn't very long because Romanoff decided to pick back up on harassing me in-front of the class starting with outing the test grade I recently got that I somehow bombed even though I felt really confident about it?! Then later on in the class I spaced out for like two fucking seconds and she decides to call on me then, to which I had no response so she warned me that I need to be focused. This shit is pissing me off. Why is she being this way again, I did nothing. NOTHING. We have a silent work time before the bell rings however mine gets disrupted.

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