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I wake up to my alarm today rather than Venus in my ear, thankfully. I grab two coffees -one for me and the other for Lizzie- on the way to campus then head to the to the front office to grab Miss Olsen's key.

"Hi, Miss Olsen left me instruction to get her room key this morning-"

"Oh yes dear, here you are." She pulls the ket out of a side drawer behind the counter. The key is attached to a lanyard. I say thanks and part ways. When I arrive to Miss Olsen's room the lights are on, the door is shut but not latched. I head into the room and she is no where to be found so I head to her side office and knock... there is no reply so I open the door to find Miss Olsen asleep with her head in her palm on the couch. I place the coffee on her desk and take a seat on the couch beside her. Reluctantly I start to rub her back in attempt to wack her up. She slowly awakens.

"Hey I got you a coffee, it just has cream and sugar, I wasn't really sure what you like. I put it on your desk..." I kind of ramble along.

"What did I do to deserve you?" She replied half a whisper as she started to sit up but decided to lean against me instead. I moved my arm around her as if it were natural, truthfully I wish it was. She buries her head into my neck, her breaths are light and stable, so just about the opposite of mine, my heart is practically a drum and my breaths match the frequency of ocean waves during a storm.

She peels herself away from me for a moment, she simply looks into my eyes with a resting smile, however when she looks away something seems to be bothering her. She walks over to her desk and takes a seat and begins to sip her coffee, her expressions remain dull, I can't tell if she's just tired or if its something else.

I move and take a seat in front of her desk. Her facial expression becomes slightly confused.

"So do you still wanna fill me in on what I missed or should we do it another time?" I question delicately .

"Yeah I'm sorry, I'm kind of out of it right now, I couldn't sleep last night." She uses her index finger and thumb to rub her eyes.

"Oh, I didn't notice." I reply in a serious voice but with intent of sarcasm. 

"Thanks," She returns the humor. "Could you grab my computer from the couch?"

"Yeah," I turn to grab the computer and bring it back over to the desk but with my clumsiness the coffee tips over and spill almost entirely on Lizzie.

"Oh shit, there's a towel in the closet." 

"I'M SORRY," I keep apologizing profusely as I grab the towel.

"Its fine really, I have a change of clothes in the car." She stands and takes a step away from her desk. I immediately start drying Lizzie off, starting by patting her lap then up to her chest with a complete disregard for personal space. As I'm drying her chest she places her hand atop mine, I turn my eyes up to hers.

"It's fine, I've got it." She directs slowly. I start to pull my hand away but she rather grips it tighter. Sustaining eye contact, she uses my hand to dry her neck then lowering it to her chest, she forces the towel beneath the fabric of her shirt and bra, with each swipe across she goes purposefully slower across each breast. My eyes allow the curiosity to take control, they linger a bit longer on her chest then they should have, a squeeze of her hand brings my attention back to her pink shaded face. My stomach is filled with butterflies and my knees feel as if they would give in at any moment.

Her desk phone begins to ring, snapping us both back into reality. I retract my hand and take a seat in the chair I was previously inn as the answers the phone. She only replies in short answers, 'sure' 'alright' 'thanks, bye bye'. She digs through her purse and hands me her keys.

Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now