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I wake up only for my heart to sink, it's too quiet and bright outside, and I have a flight to catch. I fumble around and find my phone turns out I woke up ten minutes before my alarm. I couldn't sleep last night, between Natasha, Lizzie, and this trip to Italy with both of them there I couldn't keep my mind quiet. I'm not sure what their history but they're constantly at each other's throats and now maybe even more so sense I... got in between the two.

On another note I have no idea who I'm rooming with, as long as they aren't annoying I'll be ok. I don't really have any friends in Natasha's class cause she never gives us a chance to talk and not many in Lizzie's either cause I was always distracted... not my proudest moment.

I throw on sweat pants and T-shirt, brush my teeth, grab my suitcase and out the door I go. I told Venus bye last night cause she was going out somewhere. I take an Uber to the airport and walk till I find a group of familiar faces. I approach the group right as we begin to board.

"Where is Y/n?" I see Natasha's head slighting bobbing over the crowd searching. I walk to the front of the group to find her, "Here's your ticket" I try to grab it but she grips it tighter. I look up to her confused, her face is blank but something tells me her actions had a meaning.

I follow the rest of the group onto the plane. I check my ticket to find my seat, unfortunately I am somewhere in the middle section of the plane. I prefer window seats but oh well. I quickly learn that in a 'middle' middle seat which has got to be one of the worst spots on the plane, neither of the people that are supposed to be to my sides are sitting yet so maybe I'll get lucky and have a row to myself.

Moments later Natasha's face appears. Oh that's what it was. She walks straight to me and takes a seat on my right, the seat to my left is still empty but not for much longer. You've got to be shitting me. Lizzie walks towards me but stops for a moment, pulls out here ticket again to check once more then takes the seat to my left. I flash her a smile but get nothing in return. Clearly she's not exactly happy with her seating placement. Maybe she'll start talking to me again, we have a 8 hour flight she can't avoid me forever.

I spot Natasha staring at me through my peripheral vision. She knows me and Lizzie aren't on the best of terms so perhaps she'll take it easy on me. The plane takes off, that's the best part of flights in my opinion.

You would think I would have more anxiety about getting caught being with a teacher but I don't think any of the students pay enough attention nor do they care enough to notice/do anything. And it's not like I'll have to worry about another teacher sense well, it's only Lizzie and Natasha... hehe

I turn to Natasha to attempt to start a conversation sense we have a long flight.

"Hey a never really bothered to ask what's going on with the rooming situation?"

"Did you not fill out a rooming request?"

"Uh no... I've been kinda busy" I see a smirk creep through on Natasha's mouth despite her attempts to hide it.

"Then you will probably be put with what ever group doesn't have a third if there are any, but we can make some arrangements if we need to." I give a head nod. Suddenly my conversation skills have gone down hill and things begin to feel awkward. I don't know what to say so instead of continuing small talk I just put in my earbuds and rest my eyes, hopefully I can get caught up on some of my missed sleep.

I doze off but wake up shortly, it was one of those naps that feel like you never actually fell asleep. I feel something move on my right leg. My eyes jolt open to find Natasha's hand on my thigh, her thumb gently grazing. I look over to her face and give her a 'are you crazy?!' Look. She rolls her eyes but keeps her hand still.

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