1. The Beginning

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Hello reader(s)! Thank you for choosing to read this story.

This is my first book on wattpad and is a VSOO fan fiction(AU).

This is fan fiction, wherein I (the writer) use celebrities as the characters of my book (as in not just name or appearance) and the characters used here do not portray them in real life.

Please enjoy the story and don't forget to leave your valuable comments and votes!

Solitude- something which never left him alone. Ironic.

He always had people around him; laughing, chattering or complaining.

He always had his large circle of family and friends with him, yet he felt lonely and he hated it.

He wanted someone to tell him to not listen to the disturbing voices in his head. Not that he told anyone about it anyway.

He always received a lot of love from everyone around him. Unfortunate- He couldn't feel it.

He always suffered alone, fighting his own mind although it pressured him for relief. His whole existence ached for release from the dark.

What a shame for a bubbly, happy boy to turn into a mindless robot who is disregarded towards his own life!

He never was pushed into this. He pushed himself into the chaotic ocean of social criticism.

Perhaps he shouldn't have been so friendly and nice with everyone during his growing years.

And now, no matter what he tries, he can't feel anything but disappointment in himself.

He longed to feel the love he received and not for it to remain one-sided.

He felt empty.

Would anyone make him feel the love? Can anyone even love him? Is he even worth now?


Solitude- something which accompanied her better than her shadow.

She always had her parents with her to guide her through everything. Only her parents. Not like she needed anyone else anyway.

She and her parents were enough for her. So she gave them all of her love.

She was always happy with her little family, but that was taken away from her.

Her parents died.

'Never pile up any emotion in your little heart, daughter.' Her parents always said and she always listened to them.

To whom can she show all of her love now? It's piling up in her heart, too much!

Well, she was never one to blame God for the circumstances in her life.

'If God takes something away from you, he gives you back something much better.' her parents told.

But what could be better than her little world of happiness?

She was in hope that God will give her something better, although she wouldn't accept that anything could be better than her parents.

Her prayer was heard and she had a promise in hand.

Someone to love.

Now, she has a lot of friends but how much of her love can she show them?

Various doubts filled her heart. She almost forgot what it feels like to love. She needed to revive her love.

And so she waited for that one person, to whom she can give her whole-heart-worth of love to.

She was full, yet empty.

Would anyone be worth to accept her love? Is her love even worth anymore? Can she ever make anyone feel the love?


And so the both of them yearned to know the answer for the question which many people think they know-

What is Love?


Heylo! How was your day?

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