13. No way!

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The next morning Jisoo was woken up by Seokjin's call in which he had asked her to go to his house by 3 pm or as soon as she could go.

He told her that it was a family meeting.

Jisoo wouldn't be able to spend much time with Taehyung if she has to attend the family meeting.

She texted V a good morning, right after the call with Seokjin ended, and decided that she would tell him in person about the family meeting situation.

Pouting in her head, Jisoo went about her day.

As she reached her workplace, she met a whiny Jeongyeon.

"But for real, Chu, Taehyung oppa needs better friends and Jimin, he is a whiny little bit-"

"Oh my goodness! Jeongyeon, stop!" Jisoo stopped Jeongyeon from speaking any further.

Perhaps not talking about yesterday is the best for Jisoo's peace of mind, at least when Jeongyeon is around her.

Quickly packing her deliveries, Jisoo left the pizzeria trying to avoid Jeongyeon's rant.


As soon as Jisoo received Taehyung's order she happily drove over to the company and reached V's room.

She opened the door and was welcomed by a warm hug.

"You spy on me as I get in, don't you?" Jisoo smiled at Taehyung.

"How could ever I turn my eyes away from you, Chi?" He smiled back.

Giggling and laughing, the lovers walked towards their private room.

Entering it, Jisoo remembered that she should tell V about her leaving early.

"Oh! What's it about?" He asked Jisoo, curious about why Seokjin hyung had called her.

He wanted to know more about her and everything she loves and has.

"Well, my grandparents had three sons- Seokjin oppa's dad, my dad and another one who went missing when he was ten years old." She took a long breathe before continuing.

"How?" V asked, unable to control his curiosity.

"Well, it's a little cliché. My grandparents took my dad and uncles to a fair and the youngest one got lost." She looked at him, lips pursed and eyes battling.

"Anyways, remember the day we announced about us to the gang? and that day Oppa's parents weren't home?" Taehyung nodded. It was a big advantage, as if the house was left just for their announcement.

"That day, they received a call from that missing brother so they had to hurry. Today we are going to meet my missing uncle and his family." She concluded.

Taehyung nodded his head, slowly taking in all the information Jisoo just spewed.

"That's so cool but it's going to take away our time isn't it?"  He asked as Jisoo nodded, unpacking the pizza for their lunch.

Nodding back sadly, V  slowly hugged her. They stayed like that for a minute or so, absorbing each other's love, fuelling themselves with it.

They loved each other so much, they were their own competiton!

Loving each other more than one another. They then sadly started to eat.

Wanting to brighten the gloomy atmosphere a little, Taehyung told Jisoo about the chat he had with Jimin yesterday.

Yesterday, after V went to sleep, Jimin had called him and complained about getting Jeongyeon's number.

Jimin had blamed Taehyung for taking Jisoo's number and had said that he knowingly took his lovers number to prank Jimin. V had to remind Jimin that it was him who hurriedly kept the closest paper in his pocket, shutting Jimin's rants and blames.

Jisoo shared how much Jeongyeon scolded Jimin this morning. They laughed again and spent the little time they had for the day by trying to learn more about each other.

After they were done eating, Jisoo quickly pecked Taehyung's cheek.

And once again, V was left blushing as red as a tomato.

"You know, one day I'm gonna have to teach you to not blush." Jisoo giggled as she sprinted away.

Jisoo quickly reached Seokjin's house.
She was welcomed by her aunt trying to feed her lunch.

"No! Please aunt, I already ate!" She exclaimed, trying to run away from her chasing aunt.

"How many guts have you got to eat lunch anywhere else when your family has such good cooks!" Her uncle scolded her, placing his hands on his hips.

"Oh I know! She must've enjoyed her lunch- where she ate. And trust me, when she'll tell you... I think it'd be good news." Seokjin smirked at Jisoo.

'One hell of a brother, I have!' Jisoo thought, glaring at him as much as she could.

"What are you talking about Jinnie?" Her aunt asked.

"Wha- I don't know what he's talking about- and you know how he is, always rambling non sense." Jisoo wavered her arms, smiling in a very awkward way.

'Here she goes, exposing herself!' Jin slapped his forehead in disappointment.


"Are you hiding something from us, Chu?" Her uncle now stepped up, tensing Jisoo even more.

'Well! Looks like the great Seokjin has to save the day again!' Seokjin rolled his eyes as he gave Jisoo a call, distracting the moment.

"It's nothing Appa, Jisoo ate with Jeongyeon today. That's it." He said, Jisoo's phone still ringing.

Raising an eyebrow at her, "I think you should get that." He pointed at her phone.

Looking at who's calling, Jisoo slightly nodded at her extremely genius brother before going aside to attend the 'call'.

She acted as if it was a wrong number and very gratefully texted Jin a 'Thank you' with tons of heart emojis.

Meanwhile, Taehyung suddenly had this urge to thank someone, so he quickly expressed his gratitude to Irene.

Soulmate things I guess?

All of the board of directors in the meeting hall looked at V weirdly.

"Ehehe, I'm sorry, it's just that Miss Irene here works very hard for our company and I believe we should be very grateful for her. She's a great resource." He spoke, extremely embarrassed, and continued with the meeting, earning a disapproved nod from Irene.

As Jisoo walked back to the hall, the door bell rang. Her uncle opened the door, welcoming a couple inside.

"Jisoo and Seokjin, this is your uncle- Kim Jongsoo and this is his wife, your aunt- Kim Bomin. You also have a brother, he will be arriving soon." Her uncle said.

Introducing themselves, the once incomplete family reunited.

Well, except the son who'll be giving his entrance in a while.

They were shown around the house and went up to the terrace to chat.

Kim Jongsoo learned about Jisoo's parents and mourned for them and spent time, talking about many more things.

Then the bell rang again. Jisoo's aunt opened the door welcoming a nice young man.

"Sorry I'm late." He apologised as he scurried inside.

He welcomed himself to Seokjin's parents, who went down to the hall to arrange a few things.

Jisoo and Jin, along with their newly found family, were called down to meet the son.

Walking down the stairs, Jisoo and Jin happen to notice the young man who seemed way too much familiar-




"No way!" The three young ones yelled, pointing at each other.

Heylo! How was your day?

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