What He Does When You're Upset

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Cameron: He'll let you rant to him about whatever that's bothering you and bring you things like brownies and cupcakes.

Nash: Nash will distract you by bringing you to do something like a hike through Hollywood or going to a waterpark. Just something fun that won't make you think about whatever is making you sad.

Matt: Matt will make you laugh by making random animals noises or tickling you or saying really really corny jokes.

Carter: Carter will put on your favorite movie and watch it with you. He also brings you your favorite snacks.

Jack G: Jack will just keep reminding you how much he loves you and how beautiful you are

Jack J: Johnson will pull you in his lap and rub circles on your shoulders with his thumb because he knows how much it relaxes you. He'll then list all the reasons why he loves you.

Shawn: Shawn will sing any song you want him too. He'll also bring you out of the house and take you some place new like a new restaurant or a new shop.

Taylor: Taylor distracts you by bringing you on a drive. He'll just tell you to get in the car driving who knows where. You'll talk about the most random things and by the end, you feel better.

Aaron: Aaron lets you cry because he feels it makes you feel better. He'll whisper cute things in your ear when you're done crying.

Sam: You want to be distracted in any way possible when you're upset. So Sam makes you food and you'll watch him. It's funny because he doesn't know what he's doing in the kitchen and you end up helping him in the end.

Nate: Nate makes up funny raps about random stuff. He'll rap about anything such as food and then he'll rap about cars. It always ends in you both laughing till you stomachs hurt.
Sorry it's not all the guys but I ran out of ideas

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