Silent Treatment

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Cam: "Come on Y/N, you know you want to talk" Cam says looking at you. You refused to talk to him after he forgot to bring you lunch and you couldn't leave your job to pick it up. "Where's that smile I love so much" he kept teasing you. You weren't ready to give in but Cam was making it extremely difficult. Out of nowhere, he started tickling you and you couldn't stop laughing. "Okay Cam fine, you win." you say finally giving up. He smirks and pecks your lips.

Nash: Nash refused to talk to you because you had to cancel the lunch date you guys had planned due to the fact that you needed to study for this big test coming up. He now sat at the edge of your bed refusing to look anywhere but at the floor while you wrapped up studying. As soon as you were done, you looked up and saw him staring blankly at the floor and knew he was upset. You made your way over to him and sat on his lap. He still didn't react so you repeatedly started kissing his cheek knowing it would make him smile. And you were right, you could see him slowly starting to crack a smile and he playfully shoved you off of him and jumped on top of you and kisses your lips.

Carter: "Carter please just talk to me" you asked him sighing. He refused to look at you and continued doing whatever he was doing on his phone. "Carter c'mon, this is so stupid" you said annoyed. He still kept tapping away at his phone. You sat there thinking of how to get him to talk to you. You then wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing his neck knowing his weak spots. You could feel him breathing heavier and knew he was about to crack. He finally let out the moan he had been holding. "Y/N" he breathes heavily. You stopped and smirked at him knowing you had won. "Don't look so cocky, okay you got me" he said. You laughed and he wrapped his arms around you.

Matt: You were extremely mad at Matt for spilling Pepsi on your favorite dress and refused to talk to him. "Baby please just talk to me" he begged. He sat next to you on the couch after you cleaned yourself up. You just stared at the T.V. in front of you. "Fine but I'm going to fix this and you'll talk to you" he said and walked out with his car keys. You really didn't care where he was going and went to make yourself dinner. An hour later, you heard the door shut and Matt came to the kitchen. In his hand was a new dress and a giant 7 ft teddy bear behind him. "Y/N please I'm sorry, forgive me?" he asked. You laughed at how cute Matt looked in front of the teddy bear and jumped in to Matt's arms. "You're so cute" you mumbled in to his shoulders.

Shawn: You were extremely busy with school and couldn't make it to an appearance he was doing even though you really wanted to. He was upset because he really wanted you there. He was now on his laptop and hadn't said a word since he came back. You knew how upset he was but you just can't get him to talk to you but then you got an amazing idea that you were 100% positive would work. The one thing that always triggered Shawn, was jealousy. "Shawn I'm going to Nash's party and if you don't go with me, I'll guess I'll just have to hang out with Cole." you say, smirking. Cole was a boy that has had a crush on you for a while, he was pretty good looking but nothing, compared to Shawn. Whenever you two saw him, Shawn made it very clear you were his girlfriend. As soon as Cole's name was mentioned, Shawn stood up and pinned you against the wall. "I swear, if he ever puts his hands on you, he'll regret it" he said angrily. You smiled knowing you got to him but decided to tease him a little more. "I don't know Shawn, I heard Cole is pretty amazing in bed" you said. That was it, Shawn looked at you with lust in his eyes. "I'll show you who's amazing" he said angrily and started kissing your neck.

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