"Hello!" (chapter 1/Mat's POV)

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I open my eyes to be laying in bed my day just started, "ugh... what time is it." I thought to myself, I roll on my side checking the time. "Oh.. it's- WAIT IM GOING TO BE LATE?!" I get up fast basically jumping off my bed, i almost fell, I ran to across my room almost tripping on my rug, I grabbed my uniform for class from a tall black closet, I change into the uniform and run to the kitchen, I grab my backpack from the table in the corner of the kitchen, I make sure I have everything, i grab my keys and run out the door, I run to school not even brushing my teeth or hair, I was in a rush, "ugh my hair is a mess! I just need to get to school!." I thought to myself, luckily. I live close to the school,

I run inside the school and run to class. No one is there. "What..? What class do I have again?!" I thought, I realized I had gym class, I run to the gym, its on the other side of the school, luckily again. The school is very small.

I get inside gym class. My anger was high but I also was very scared, I didn't like P.E since everyone could be judging how well you do.

I see my friend with another unknown, her name was "Charlie". She's so hot- i mean!! Cute in a friend way ofc. I walk up to Charlie and the unknown.
Mat: "hey Charlie!!"

"Hey Mat." :Charlie

Mat: "ah. Who's this?"

"A new friend! Say hi!!" :Charlie

???: "uh hello."

Mat: "hi!!"

"This is Mat!" :Charlie

Kei: "oh. Erm.. I'm Kei"

Mat: "hello Kei!!
We talked for a bit, after a while we realized that class ended. Soon as we know it were walking home,

I am walking home, "maybe we should have a sleepover?!" Charlie suggests in a high happy tone, "I guess." Kei says, "yeah! That'll be fun!" i say agreeing to Charlie. "But who's house..?" I say, "hmm. What about Kei's house? If he's fine with it!" Charlie says, "eh.. sure. I dont mind" Kei replys with,

As we walk, I pass my small house and continue to follow Kei and Charlie, Charlie seems to be following Kei, as we walk to a black and white mansion, but not that big but not that small. Kei stops and says "were here.." my eyes light up staring at the mansion, Kei opens the doors to the mansion, Charlie is also surprised and walks inside, I follow behind them, "I guess pick a room" Kei says while turning around to us. "What?! Pick our own rooms?" I reply with, "I don't really care. And it is a sleepover.." he says, Charlie says nothing and is shocked. I run upstairs dragging Charlie to look for a room, I love all of them but one in particular catches my eye, I am still dragging Charlie, I walk into the room "stop dragging me please-" Charlie says. I sigh and stop pulling on her arm, once inside the room I see how beautiful it is,

The room has red walls, a fluffy red flooring, a bed for 2, beside the door against the wall facing the other wall with a TV, a couch in front of the bed also facing the TV and a bathroom door on the other side of the bed. And a lamp beside the couch and TV,

I stare at the room and my eyes light up, "what are you looking at?.." Charlie says while walking inside the room im in. "ME AND CHARLIE CHOOSE THIS ONE!!!" I say loudly so Kei can hear, Kei walks upstairs to the room, "oh alr," Kei says, right after Kei says that. "I didn't agree to this?!" Charlie says a bit loud,

(Time skip,)

During our sleepover, we decided to go to the second living room, its right out of "my" room, I walk out of the room wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans, I sit in the second living room,

2 black bean bags next to each other with 3 white pillows on both bean bags, a big.. no giant TV in front of the bean bags and a small table in the middle of the room which is see threw, across from the room im staying in there is a area with a opened way, no door, and beside that is the stairs,

I sit down on a bean bag and hug one of the pillows, I see Charlie walk out the room sitting beside me, "wait. Where does Kei sit?!" Charlie says in a small panic, Kei walks out of the other room beside the stairs and sits on the ground with a muffin in his hands, "meh.. i don't really mind at all." Kei says. Charlie is a bit surprised, "so why did you want us here?" I say while turning my head to Charlie, "ah right. I wanted to play truth or dare! You guys down?" Charlie says, "oh. Alr!" I say,

We begin to play truth or dare,
Mat: "..."

"Whos starting?" :Charlie

Mat: "you!"

Kei: "yeah I agree."

"Awe fine." :Charlie

Mat: "YAYA-"

"Truth or dare Mat?" :Charlie

Mat: "oh!- truth!"

Kei: "..."

"Is it true... you-" :Charlie
What she said caught me off guard.

904 words.
To be continued.

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