"Charlie?" (chapter 4-5/Mat's POV)

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I lay down in the bed, I came into Max's house so that creepy Zach dude wasn't alone with him!. I don't trust that creep yet. Whatever... I dug my face into the pillow and fell asleep.

(Time skip)

I smell food..? I pick up my phone and check the time. "7 AM" class starts at 8 AM. I get out of bed and change, I walk to the kitchen.

Kei knows how to cook?, "morning. Has Charlie texted you at all?" Kei says, I jump back from the sudden taking. "Ah...no not yet." I reply with, Kei nodded and continued cooking, he finished the muffins and put some in his lunch box and put the lunch box into his backpack. "Let's go to class" Kei says, "alr. I left my backpack at home tho.." I say. "Then walk back?" Kei says. Not mad, like a playful tone. Like he was joking. I still was upset that I won't have my backpack. "I should go back to my house anyways.." I say, Kei nods and walks away, I follow.

I walk and go to my house, I enter and grab my backpack. I remember I put mostly everything I need in here, but the food. I sigh, I walk over to the fridge.

I open the fridge and grab my hello kitty lunch box, I put it in my backpack and put my backpack on. I walk to the door and leave my house walking back to the school.

I get inside the school. I go to the gym, since I have gym class once again. I usually see Charlie there, but its just Kei. Kei seems also worried, I walk over to Kei. "Where is Charlie?" I say, "I don't know.. she should be here" Kei says, "maybe she's sick.." I say, "sick? Maybe we should go to her house..." Kei replys with, "im pretty sure it'll be fine. Now let's finish class and talk about this later." I say, Kei nods and walks away

(Time skip)

I didn't see Charlie all day. I question if she's okay walking back home, I walk inside my house and close the door behind me,

I walk 4 steps forward then stop hearing a knock on my door. "Mat?!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to the door and open it. "Yes?" I say, "thank god.. I dont have much time but-" it was Charlie?! "Charlie?" I say, "yes yes. Please can i explain-" I cut her off again, "cmon you need to see Kei he's been worried!" I say while running away thinking she was following me,

I get half way to Kei's house then notice she wasn't following. I run back

she was gone. I get worried... I look around but she was no where. No where. I think I was probably seeing things. I walk back inside and lock my door,

I walk to my bedroom and lay down, I text Charlie.
"Charlie are you there?"
She didn't reply. She didn't even get on. I turn off my phone and fall asleep.

528 words.
"Wonder what happened to Charlie"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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