"Hello!" (chapter 1/Kei's POV)

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Opening my eyes.. I slightly sit up, trying not to hit my ceiling since my bed is up high close to the ceiling, I get off carefully, I changed into my school uniform and walk out my room into my kitchen, since my room is beside the kitchen. I make food and grab my backpack putting my food in my lunch box, and put the lunch box into the backpack, I put my backpack on and walk downstairs, I unlock my door and leave closing the door behind me, I sigh and walk to school. "What a boring day.." I thought to myself.

Once I got inside the school. I felt all the eyes on me. I stare at the ground walking to gym class. "Really? Gym class..." I thought.

I walk inside gym class and out my backpack down on the table. I walk over to hear a voice. "HEY!!" A scream. I see someone run toward me, I turn around kinda surprised. Then calm down seeing Charlie. "ah. So your here already?" I ask, "yup!! I am!" She answered with a confidence a voice,
Kei: "I see.."

"Why do you act so cold all the time?!" :Charlie

Kei: "I dont."

"Uh-huh you do!" :Charlie
Charlie seems to hear something. She shrugs and continue to talk to me. Until i hear a someone.
I was a bit shocked..
Mat: "hey Charlie!!"

"Hey Mat." :Charlie

Mat: "ah. Who's this?"

"A new friend! Say hi!!" :Charlie

Kei: "uh hello."

Mat: "hi!!"

"This is Mat!" :Charlie

Kei: "oh. Erm.. I'm Kei"

Mat: "hello Kei!!
Charlie seems happy and excited to, we talk. I notice class ended and let them know, before we went it.... We are walking back home. "maybe we should have a sleepover?!" Charlie says in excited. It gets awkward so I break the silence. "I guess." I say, "yeah! That'll be fun" Mat says followed by "but who's house..?" Mat also said. It gets quiet again, as soon as I'm about to say I get cut off. "hmm. What about Kei's house? If he's fine with it!" Charlie said. "eh.. sure. I dont mind" i replys with.. ofc I minded! I didn't want them to pick me.

Their following me. As we walk to a black and white mansion, but not that big but not that small. I notice and stop and I say "were here.." I notice them seeming excited, i quietly sighed. opening the doors to the mansion, we walk inside, Mat follows us behind, "I guess pick a room" i say while turning around to them. "What?! Pick our own rooms?" Mat replys with, "I don't really care. And it is a sleepover.." i say, Charlie saying nothing, seeming shocked. Mat runs upstairs dragging Charlie, I went over to the first living room and sat down, I heard them talking and walking around upstairs, I start watching TV the frog show my favorite.. I hear someone.

I notice Charlie and walk over to her, "hey. Aren't you and Mat suppose to be together rn?.. she did dragged you all the way up the stairs." She turns to me, "oh. I kinda went different ways," she says, i nod and walk away back to my show. I see from the corner of my eye of her walking back upstairs, then after a minute I heard from upstairs.. "ME AND CHARLIE CHOOSE THIS ONE!!!" Mat say loudly, i walk upstairs to the room, "oh alr," I say not knowing how to reply other then that, right after i say that. "I didn't agree to this?!" Charlie say a bit loud. "Charlie has weird friends." I think to myself..

(Time skip.)

I hear from my kitchen.. "wait. Where does Kei sit?!" It sounds like Charlie, i grab my muffin and walk out of the kitchen and sit on the ground with the muffin in my hands still, "meh.. i don't really mind at all." I say. I notice Charlie is surprised, "so why did you want us here?" Mat says turning her head to Charlie, "yeah why did she..." I thought to myself, "ah right. I wanted to play truth or dare! You guys down?" She says sounding excited once again, "oh. Alr!" Mat says,

We begin to play truth or dare,
Mat: "..."

"Whos starting?" :Charlie

Mat: "you!"

Kei: "yeah I agree."

"Awe fine." :Charlie

Mat: "YAYA-"

"Truth or dare Mat?" :Charlie

Mat: "oh!- truth!"

Kei: "..."

"Is it true... you-" :Charlie

754 words.
To be continued.

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