"New students." (chapter 3/Kei's POV)

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I was about to leave class until I saw Charlie looking at something.. no wait. Someone, she didn't see me pass by her, then I saw her run away, I stopped, hearing a familiar voice. "KEII!!" I turn and see Mat, "what?" I reply with, "NEW.. STUDENTS...." Mat said while out of breath, like she ran for a hour. "Ah. New students." I say, "one of them is my old friend!" Mat says, sounding worried.. or scared. I brush it off. I walk away, to the basement

I walk down, there is a hide out i like. To skip class, the vent, I sneak into the vent and sit,

Then.. I see someone. MAT?! Mat knew the vent to, "sorry!.... I didn't know you knew this place to..?" Mat said. "Me either.." I say, a unknown also sits down beside us, "can I be your friends?" They ask, I get a bad vibe off of them.. "sure!!!" Mat answered. "I guess.." I reply with,
Kei: "..."

Mat: "well- my name is Mat!! What about yours?"

"Uh.. Zach" :Zach

Mat: "nice to meet you!"

Kei: "mine is Kei..."
R so
"Nice meeting you to, Kei." :Zach
I still get a creepy vibe off this Zach dude. I zone out, "what does this dude want.. is he a creep or what?. I dont know about be friending hi-" my thought got cut off. "EARTH TO TALKING KEY!?" I heard. Then I see Mat waving her hand in front of my face, "sorry I zoned out." I reply with, Mat stops waving her hand. "WAIT... TALKING KEY!?" I thought. "What did you call me?" I say, she turns her head to me "uh.... talking key...." Mat replied with, "IM NOT A KEY?!" I say in anger.

(Time skip)

As were walking home, we notice Charlie isn't walking with us this time. "Where is Charlie?" Mat asks, doesn't Mat dislike Charlie for asking- unless... ugh nvm. "I don't know?" I answer with, then... "Kei. Why don't you tell Mat to leave?" Zach whispers to me. It caught me off guard. "I'm close to ny 'house'. Cya tomorrow guys!" I say while running away, Mat walks inside a small house, and Zach walks away.

I get inside my house, I set down my backpack and grab my phone and text.
(On the left is Charlie, on the rightis Kei.)
C: "What's up?"
"Why weren't you walking with us today?" :K
C: ...
She kept typing. Then stopped and didn't reply. I sat my phone down and walked to my room, I sat on the small stairs leading up to my bed, I sigh. Then get up and carefully lay in bed so I dont hit the ceiling, my mind drowns with images of Zach. He is a creep but kinda.. AGH WHAT AM I THINKING?!. I turn onto my side and fall asleep.

I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I get up and walk downstairs and open the door, it's Zach?. "Hey Kei" Zach says standing at the door-way, "...eh? Hey Zach." I say I bit confused. "Can I come inside?" Zach asks, "..sure" I answer. I step back so he can come inside, he still gives me the creeps... then he walks inside, I hear someone. "AHH I LEFT MY PHONE!!" it was Mat. Zach looks... pissed? Mat ran over, "CAN I COME INSIDE FOR MY PHONE!?" Mat screams, "yeah. Calm down" I reply with, "thanks!-" Mat says while passing by me. "Ugh... can you unfriend her?" Zach says. My jaw dropped basically. Unfriend?! "no." I reply with. Sounding cold, Mat came back holding her phone "thanks again!." Mat says, "no problem.." I say, Mat leaves. I notice Zach death staring Mat. I am a bit shocked. But brush it off,

643 words
To be continued.
Reminder: im not doing all of the POVS.

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