"New students" (chapter 3/Mat's POV)

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I ran away from Sebastian, yes me and him are like friends but.... he has anger issues i guess you can call it. I was looking for Kei or Charlie. I saw someone.. "KEII!!" I see Kei turn and to me, "what?" Kei says. I was just scared so.. "NEW.. STUDENTS...." I said said while out of breath, I wasn't use to running so fast randomly, "Ah. New students." Kei says, "one of them is my old friend!" I say in fear, Kei walks away. I sigh and walk to class.

The teacher is just background noise at this point, like a main character. I sit next to the window, im staring out the window not paying attention just watching the leaves off the trees fall to the ground, I raise my hand. "Can I go to the bathroom?!" I ask, the teacher nods and says "go class was about to end." Then I get up and run to the basement, I lied.

I climb into a vent and see... KEI?! I get scared... "sorry!.... I didn't know you knew this place to..?" I say. "Me either.." Kei says, a unknown also sits down beside us, "can I be your friends?" They ask, why would someone random just go up to people and ask to be friends. I guess its normal... "sure!!!" I answered. "I guess.." Kei replys with,
Kei: "..."

Mat: "well- my name is Mat!! What about yours?"

"Uh.. Zach" :Zach

Mat: "nice to meet you!"

Kei: "mine is Kei..."

"Nice meeting you to, Kei." :Zach
I try to talk to Zach but get to scared to. Anxiety I notice Kei zoned out, I wave my hand in his face "EARTH TO TALKING KEY!?" I screamed. Kei seems shocked. "sorry I zoned out." He replys with, I stop waving my hand in his face. About to talk to Zach again. "What did you call me?" I hear Kei say, I turn my head to Kei nervous.. "uh.... talking key...." I replied with, "IM NOT A KEY?!" Kei says in anger.

(Time skip)

As were walking home, we notice Charlie isn't walking with us this time. I get worried for her.. she was like a-... nvm. "Where is Charlie?" I ask, "I don't know?" Kei answers, I notice Zach whisper to Kei, "I'm close to ny 'house'. Cya tomorrow guys!" Kei says while running away, I ignore it and walk inside a small house, in the corner of my eye, Zach walks away..

I close my door behind me and walk putting my backpack on my kitchen table, and sit on my bed, I remember that I could just text or call Charlie, I went to grab my phone but.. IT WAS GONE?! I look for it, I got worried and looked mostly everywhere, I thought to go to Kei's house.

As I'm walking i see.. ZACH?! I hide quickly and see him going to Kei's house?. He knocked on the door. Kei answers the door, seeming tired and confused. "Hey Kei" Zach says standing at the door-way, "...eh? Hey Zach." I hear Kei say, I hear the confusion in his voice. "Can I come inside?" Zach asks, "..sure" i hear Kei answer with. The sound of foot steps, then he walks inside, I get worried and remembered what I'm here for. "AHH I LEFT MY PHONE!!" i say running over. "CAN I COME INSIDE FOR MY PHONE!?" I scream, I was worried for Kei but also wanting my phone. "yeah. Calm down" Kei replys with, "thanks!-" I say while passing by me I stand at the stairs listening in, "Ugh... can you unfriend her?" I hear Zach's voice say. "no." I hear next sounding cold I hurried and grabbed my phone, I came back "thanks again!." I say, "no problem.." Kei says, I leave. I feel someone staring at me but I ignore and go back home. 

663 words
To be continued.
Reminder: im not doing all of the POVS.

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