"are you SERIOUS?!" (chapter 2/Charlie's POV)

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...the room was filled with silence. I wanted to break the silence.
                    "Hey?!... whats with the silence guys?!" :Charlie

Mat: "are you SERIOUS?!. Am I hearing things correctly?!"

Kei: "..."

                   "Yeah?. Is it true you like me?" :Charlie

Mat: "......."

                   "The looks on your guys faces! Ha!. I was just joking chill.." :Charlie

Mat: "I see..."

Kei: "......."
Mat looked away trying to hide her face,I was confused but also felt bad "sorry for joking about that.." i said trying to apologize, "its fine!!....it's fine." Mat replied with, I felt even more bad, she seemed.. red?... once again the room was silence. Kei broke the silence, "anygays. We should sleep its getting late!." I saw Mat nodded and soon she got up leaving the room, I stayed feeling bad, Kei left back to the room beside the stairs, I ignored and sat in the living room not wanting to see Mat again I didn't want to make it awkward again.

(Time skip)

Kei was basically death staring me. "Why did you ask that yesterday?" Kei said. Like he was a overprotective brother?. "...err." I said trying to find out a answer. "Charlie?" Kei said ruining my concentration, "....heh" I laughed.. maybe a small giggled...nervously "well?" Kei said, "I UH- GTG FOR SCHOOL!" I screamed being scared not knowing how to reply. Even more scared when Kei said- "we go to the same school.", "...UH-" I said running downstairs out the door, Kei sighed and followed.

We got to school, we went to class, before I walked inside class I saw a unknown. I somehow remembered them. I ignored what happened a minute ago and sat in my seat trying to pay attention,

(Tjme skip)

I heard something from the halls, "WATCH WHERE YOUR-" then cutting themself off. I shrugged it off. Untill... seeing the same unknown. "Two new students?..." I thought to myself. He stared back at me. I ran away hearing him mumble something but just continue running away.

356 words

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