"HUH..?" (chapter 4/Kei's POV)

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Zach closes the door and turns to me, im a bit scared since... he's just a random creep I met yesterday!. He opens his mouth like he's about to say something. Knocking, someone was knocking on the door. "Ugh.." Zach mumbled. As I'm about to open "wait!-" Zach says. The room opens. He forgot to lock it, I turn. "HUH..?" I say in confusion. It was Mat again.. "ah sorry. I can't walk all the way back to my house.." Mat said. "Come inside then!" I say. I was happy since I was scared of Zach, he's a creep. Why did he say wait? Zach seems mad, I brush it off and step back so Mat can come inside, "sorry. It will be a day like the sleepover!" Mat said. "ugh.. I need to go. Bye" Zach said while leaving. Mat shrugs and walks upstairs, "goodnight!!" Mat says. I walk upstairs after Mat and go to my room,

I lay down in my bed, I grab my phone and see no one texted me. I put my phone down and roll onto my other side and fall asleep.

203 words
get ready for chapter 5 tho.

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