"Hello!" (chapter 1/Charlie's POV)

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I was awaken by the sound of my alarm. I got up and went to my closet and changed quickly, "even if I'm not late I still need to be quick. You never know!" I thought to myself, i walk to the kitchen,

I grab bread and put it in the toaster, I wait as I pour water into my cup, I hear.. "ding!" It was done, I walk back over and press the button, the toast was burnt. I let out a sigh and grab my water bottle putting the cap on it, I put it in my backpack and inhale getting ready to walk to school. I exhale. I remember I need to brush my teeth first, I walk.

I walk inside the bathroom. And brush my teeth, I wash my hands and face fast, I check the time. "JEEZ?!" I slightly scream. "How am I late?! I woke up to my alarm!" I thought to myself, I run grabbing my keys.

I open the door and run to the school. "AGH IM SO LATE!!" I think to myself as I'm running.

I finally get inside. I walk to gym class, I hear the school doors close a bit to loud, like someone else was in more of a rush then me I shrug it off and go into gym class,

I see a friend of mine, "HEY!!" I scream so they can hear as I run toward them, they turn around seeing me, "ah. So your here already?" They ask, "yup!! I am!" I answer with while confidence is in my voice,
?: "I see.."

"Why do you act so cold all the time?!" :Charlie

?: "I dont."

"Uh-huh you do!" :Charlie
I hear someone close the door. Just like before with the main doors. Once again I shrug it off and continue to talk to the unknown. Until I hear a familiar voice behind me
Mat: "hey Charlie!!"

"Hey Mat." :Charlie

Mat: "ah. Who's this?"

"A new friend! Say hi!!" :Charlie

???: "uh hello."

Mat: "hi!!"

"This is Mat!" :Charlie

Kei: "oh. Erm.. I'm Kei"

Mat: "hello Kei!!
I feel happy. "One of my friends met my other friend?!" I was happy and well excited to, we talk and time flys,

We are walking back home. I get a good idea in my head, "maybe we should have a sleepover?!" I say being excited. I just wanted my friends to know each other more. "I guess." Kei says, "yeah! That'll be fun" Matt says sounding excited to, but soon my excitement turned into confusion, "but who's house..?" Mat says. I think for a minute or less. I come up with another idea, "hmm. What about Kei's house? If he's fine with it!" I said that since I didn't know what his house looked like. "eh.. sure. I dont mind" Kei replys with. I feel excited again, like its my lucky day.

As we walk, I see Mat pass a small house and look at it,, she didn't look at the other houses which confused me for the moment, I follow Kei since I never have been at his house before. As we walk to a black and white mansion, but not that big but not that small. Kei stops and says "were here.." I notice Mat's eyes light up staring at the mansion, Kei opens the doors to the mansion, I'm surprised by how Kei is rich?!. I ignore that and walk inside, Mat follows us behind, "I guess pick a room" Kei says while turning around to us. "What?! Pick our own rooms?" Mat replys with, "I don't really care. And it is a sleepover.." he says, i say nothing, im just really shocked. Mat runs upstairs dragging me to look at the rooms, Mat drags me to a room "stop dragging me please-" I almost brg until I hear a sigh and my arm is let go of, Mat walks into the room beside us, I walk away since I don't want to annoy her... I felt like she was maybe mad at me. I walk over down stairs looking for a room,

Kei notices me, "hey. Aren't you and Mat suppose to be together rn?.. she did dragged you all the way up the stairs." I turn to him, "oh. I kinda went different ways," Kei nods and walks away. I don't hear Mat so I walk back upstairs,

Mat staring at a room. I get curious.. "what are you looking at?.." i say while walking inside the room. "ME AND CHARLIE CHOOSE THIS ONE!!!" Mat say loudly, Kei walks upstairs to the room, "oh alr," Kei says, right after Kei says that. "I didn't agree to this?!" I say a bit loud. "WDYM..." I think to myself..

(Time skip.)

I see Mat leave the room, I brush my hair in the bathroom,
I walk out the room seeing Mat, i sit beside Mat on the other bean bag, I realize... "wait. Where does Kei sit?!" I says in a small panic, i see Kei walk out of the other room beside the stairs and sits on the ground with a muffin in his hands, "meh.. i don't really mind at all." Kei says. I get a bit surprised, "so why did you want us here?" I hear Mat say, "ah right. I wanted to play truth or dare! You guys down?" I say with excitement in my voice, "oh. Alr!" Mat says,

We begin to play truth or dare,
Mat: "..."

"Whos starting?" :Charlie

Mat: "you!"

Kei: "yeah I agree."

"Awe fine." :Charlie

Mat: "YAYA-"

"Truth or dare Mat?" :Charlie

Mat: "oh!- truth!"

Kei: "..."

"Is it true... you-" :Charlie
Mat seemed. surprised. Once I asked...

956 words.
To be continued...

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