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".....mma.....EOMMAAA...." Jungkook yelled when he didn't get any response even after calling his mom's name for at least five times.

It's almost 7 pm now.The Yoonmin couple dropped him off at home few minutes ago and then drove somewhere to spend some more time with each other.Out of habit, Jungkook started searching for his mom the moment he stepped inside their home.Unknowingly, a pout formed on his lips when his mom didn't respond to his yelling.

With a sulky face he started walking towards the kitchen because he could smell the scent of delicious food only his mom can make.His eyes sparkled when he saw his mother arranging so many dishes on the dining table.

When it comes to food, Jungkook is always hyperactive to taste them.He stretched his hand to steal a piece of a spicy fried chicken without his mother noticing it.His mouth was already watering, looking at all the delicious dishes on display.

"Ouch" Jungkook hissed in pain when his ear was pulled by none other than his mother.A pout formed on his lips, knowing his mother won't let him have the food without her permission.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't eat before serving it." Mrs. Jeon scolded Jungkook, not minding his puppy eyes even a bit.She was used to it.

"What's going on here?" Came the voice of Mr. Jeon, making the mother-son duo look back.

"Appaaaa..." Jungkook's pout got bigger and he ran to his father's arms.

"Tell him not to eat food before serving." Mrs. Jeon spoke with a stern tone to her husband who was busy patting Jungkook's head.The boy looked at his father with his puppy eyes, still clinging to him like a koala.

"You should listen to your mom, son." Mr. Jeon said with a loving smile which made Jungkook back away from the hug with a huff.

"Aishhh...you guys are always against me." Jungkook spoke and started going upstairs where his room was while the parents just shook their heads, one with a done face and the other with a whipped smile.

"I thought someone will be happy to know who are visiting us for dinner.But it's ok I guess." Jungkook's mom suddenly spoke up which caught the boy's attention.He didn't want to show his curiosity but he slowed his walking pace a little to hear more.

"Yeah.The Kims must arrive soon." Jungkook's father played along which made Jungkook halt his steps.He turned towards his parents direction with a happy glint in his doe eyes.

"Uncle Kim and aunt Kim are coming?" Jungkook asked with excitement, his sulky mode was vanished all of a sudden.

The boy's parents couldn't help but laugh at his excitement.They are very well aware of the fact that Jungkook loves the elder Kim couple so much.After all, they have a great role in spoiling Jungkook.Just because they can't resist Jungkook's cuteness, they always give the boy things that makes him happy.

And right at that moment, the doorbell rang indicating the guests' arrival.Jungkook ran almost with the speed of light to open the main door which made his parents laugh.They also walked towards the entrance to greet their friends.

There they saw Jungkook hugging the Kim couple tightly with the biggest smile on his face.Soon everyone went inside and had dinner together while enjoying each other's company.Basically Jungkook was talking while the others, especially the Kims listened to his blabbering with so much interest.They all spend some more time together before the Mr. and Mrs. Kim could go back.

"I missed you, uncle and aunt.Why have'nt you visited us for so long?" Jungkook asked all of a sudden.

"We thought we would visit with Taehyung but the boy is always busy with his work.Finally we came without him cause we were missing our Kookie so much." Mrs. Kim said, squishing Jungkook's cheeks afterwards.

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