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Taehyung silently but also gently rubbed the ointment on Jungkook's wrist, thinking of what he should answer.What will he even answer when he, himself isn't aware of the reason behind it.

"First tell me why did you come here?" Taehyung asked, instead of replying.He just wanted to divert Jungkook's attention from the previous question.

Meanwhile Jungkook, who was busy thinking why Taehyung didn't give him the first aid box earlier, was caught off guard by Taehyung's sudden question.Now he was the one who didn't know what to answer at the moment.He can't just say that he missed the elder right?He doesn't want to embarrass himself once again in front of the elder male.

"Umm..I-I...yeah...I came here to meet Hyunwoo hyung." Jungkook mentally patted his own head because of the lie that came automatically out of his mouth.

Little did he know what his lie made his crush feel.....

To say, Taehyung was pissed off would be an understatement.He didn't understand why Jungkook was so interested in his assistant.He couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook was secretly hating him for shooing his Hyunwoo hyung away earlier.

But it can't happen right?

Jungkook said, he liked him!

Wait...does he even like him?

"H-hyung, w-what happened?"

Jungkook's small voice snapped Taehyung out of his thoughts which were gradually starting to suffocate him.He looked up at the boy, looking like a confused kid who doesn't know which flavor of ice-cream to choose.The boy looked so innocent, so pretty with that look.He didn't look like the brat he is at all.

Jungkook's cheeks turned hot at the way Taehyung was staring at him.He really felt shy under the intimidating gaze of the elder.Taehyung has never looked at him this way before and now that he's doing it, Jungkook's stomach has started to give him some weird sensations.

"Hyunggg, a-are you okay?" Jungkook decided to ask something to make his awkward self go away.

"Y-yeah." Taehyung muttered under his breath, looking away which made Jungkook pout.

Yes, he was feeling awkward when Taehyung was staring right through his soul but he isn't liking the way Taehyung looked away from him either.

"You should go now.Your Hyunwoo hyung must be waiting for you." Taehyung said, now walking towards his table again.

He didn't want to see Jungkook's excited face when he asked him to go to his assistant.So he didn't even bother to turn towards Jungkook while talking.

Jungkook frowned, looking at the elder's back.He didn't get why Taehyung was acting so strange with him today.He can feel that Taehyung is pissed off after seeing him in his company.

Did he disliked him that much?

Was it because Jungkook blurted out about his liking towards the elder that day?

Was Taehyung feeling uncomfortable being near him now?

Or worse, has he started feeling disgusted or something?

The negative thoughts made Jungkook's mood bitter.He smiled sadly, thinking how his sudden confession ruined things even before it could get started.

"O-ok then.I'll g-go now.Bye hyung.." Jungkook mumbled in a low tone before walking out of the cabin with a big pout.

Taehyung didn't even respond to his "bye".

To say Jungkook was upset would be an understatement.The excitement he had before coming to the company was gone now.He thought he would definitely be able to melt Taehyung's stone heart with his charms but oh! How wrong he was!

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