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Guess what?It'll be my birthday within few hours

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Guess what?It'll be my birthday within few hours.
And yes, Kim Yeontan is my birthday twin 😭😂❤


Taehyung was in his office, signing a few files that Hyunwoo brought to him for final approval.He was too busy in his work to notice that someone just sneaked inside his cabin.

Meanwhile, the intruder took careful steps towards the CEO and tapped the working man's shoulder.Taehyung flinched at the sudden touch and turned his head to face who dared to do that.

"S-surprise...hehe..." The intruder laughed awkwardly, not being able to bear the death glare from the CEO.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, ready to interrogate the boy in front of him.

"J-Jin hyungie d-dragged me here a-along with him.H-he had to g-give Namjoon hyung s-some files w-which he forgot at home in the m-morning and Jin h-hyung didn't w-want to come a-alone." The boy stuttered, looking everywhere except Taehyung's direction.

"So?Does this look like Namjoon hyung's cabin?" Taehyung asked, maintaining his poker face.He was enjoying the other's changing expressions a bit too much!

"I-I...No...I mean, I-I'm going n-now...bye."

Before the embarrassed boy could run away, Taehyung grabbed his wrist.Unlike last time, his hold around the boy's wrist wasn't that tight, just enough to stop him from going away.

"Jungkook, I was just kidding." Taehyung admitted, chuckling fondly at the boy who huffed in annoyance.

The elder loves teasing him; Doesn't he?

"But I wasn't kidding when I said that I was going." Jungkook retorted and before Taehyung could even react, he was gone.

At this point, Taehyung wasn't even surprised anymore.The boy always does things like this.By now, he has gotten used to the younger's antiques very well.It's been two months since they started dating, or I say, they went on their first ever date.Since then, they are in talking terms, I mean, texting terms.

Well, Taehyung can't reply to the younger male's texts much because of his busy schedule but he checks his phone more often now, in case he missed something the younger said.He replies only during night time, after he reaches home.And Jungkook?He was just happy that Taehyung was being civil with him.At least, the elder didn't think of him as a kid anymore, or so he just thought.

Even after all these, Taehyung haven't talked to the younger about his feelings yet.One thing was sure though.Jungkook has the power of making him happy without even trying and now he was sure that he would like to keep the boy to himself only.

Once he would be done with his current project, he's thinking of becoming official with Jungkook.For now, he just hopes that Jungkook won't pull any stunt, thinking the elder doesn't feel anything for him.

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