[ 12 ]

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When Jungkook was walking out of Hyunwoo's cabin, a small smile was playing on his lips.At least, he's not insecure anymore!

Maybe, he actually has a chance to melt Taehyung's heart.And no, this time he wasn't assuming anything.Instead, he was feeling way more confident than he was feeling when he came here.He must admit, talking to Hyunwoo indeed helped him.

As Jungkook walked past the huge left wing of the company, he saw most of the workers who were at their own working desks, ogling at him with wide eyes.It made Jungkook feel weirded out.

Why were they looking at his direction with such expression, as if he's some bad news?

Little did he know that they weren't looking at him.Instead, all their  attention were on the male who was right behind him at the moment.

With an annoying expression, Jungkook rolled his eyes a little.His legs never stopped from walking forward while he mentally cursed Taehyung's workers who kept looking at his direction, now with horrified expressions on their faces.

To say, it was awkward would be an understatement!

Do I look like an animal from the zoo to them?

Jungkook wondered!

A shirk left the boy's mouth when he felt someone grabbing his forearm from the back.He took some deep breathes to calm his heart down which was about to leap out from his chest any moment.He was dead scared when his arm was grabbed all of a sudden!

Soon, the shocked look on Jungkook's face changed into an angry one.He turned around abruptly, wanting to scold the hell out of whoever dared to frighten him.But he couldn't even utter a word when he saw who it was.

There stood Taehyung with an unreadable expression on his face.He watched the younger opening his mouth and then closing it, without saying whatever he wanted to say.Taehyung roamed his eyes towards their surrounding and saw the workers working with extra concentration.He knew for a fact that they were more concentrated on him and Jungkook but again, he doesn't care...not in his current mood.So he just dragged the flabbergasted younger to his cabin...once again.

The moment they left, the workers couldn't help themselves but try to peak at the two fading backs.It was something  really new for them.They felt really interested in whatever is going on with their boss's life at the moment.After all, for the very first time, The Kim Taehyung was holding a cute, ethereal boy's hand...that too  in front of a whole lot of people!


Jungkook stumbled a few times on his steps as Taehyung was walking too fast.He was still dragging the now extremely confused younger male, not even looking back for once.

"Hyung, what happened?" Jungkook asked as soon as they reached Taehyung's cabin only to be pushed against the now closed door.

Jungkook blinked few times before slowly looking up at Taehyung who was looking at him with sharp eyes, his jaw clenched.Not to mention that Taehyung was almost hovering over his frame.At this point, Jungkook didn't even know what was happening except for the fact that his heart was beating with probably double speed than usual.

"W-what a-are y-you d-doing?" Jungkook stuttered badly, feeling small under Taehyung's intense gaze.

For some reason, he could feel that Taehyung was angry with him.The thought of the elder being mad at him didn't sit well with him.He looked at Taehyung who was now breathing heavily with closed eyes.

Probably trying to calm himself down.

Jungkook assumed.

If the situation was different, maybe Jungkook would try some pick up lines Jimin has taught him but at this moment, he felt like standing there silently.Moreover, it was a good chance to take in the handsome features of his crush, that too without the fear of getting caught.So he did just that.He kept looking at Taehyung with so much fascination, taking full advantage of their close proximity.

After few moments of complete silence, Taehyung opened his eyes.The moment his eyes met Jungkook's sparkling bambi eyes, the younger's eyes found the floor more interesting.Taehyung didn't know what was happening to him but he knew, he knew that he liked how close they were at the moment.

His eyes unknowingly took in every little details of the younger's features.Starting from his half covered forehead, the pair of beautiful eyes which were casted downwards, the bopable nose, those slightly chubby cheeks which were now adorned with a slight pinkish colour..and lastly those naturally pouty, pink glossy lips...

Was the boy always that beautiful!

Taehyung gulped, not knowing why he wasn't being able to take his eyes off of the younger.Few minutes ago he was fuming in anger.He couldn't really pinpoint why but he didn't like Jungkook's interactions with his assistant at all.Hell, he was angry even when he was dragging Jungkook to his cabin.

But he didn't know why, the moment his eyes saw the pair of round, innocent eyes looking at him with pure confusion, he felt the need to stay calm.He felt the need to treat the boy in a gentle way, something he has never felt before!

"What are you doing to me?" Taehyung's  voice came out as a mere whisper which made Jungkook look up at him.

The boy was confused, like really confused.Taehyung's behaviours were confusing him.At first the the elder looked like he was ready to burst of out anger but now he was looking down at him with something in his eyes, something Jungkook couldn't really decipher.Taehyung looked kind of vulnerable.As if he was lost...

"H-hyung a-are you o-okay?" Jungkook asked, feeling concerned.He has never seen the elder in such state before.

He looked too weak to his liking.The Taehyung he likes is strong, rude and arrogant but also a good person but right now, Taehyung was looking like a completely different person.Jungkook didn't like it.

"Hyung!" Jungkook hesitantly held Taehyung's left hand, wanting to comfort the elder.

He didn't know what bothered Taehyung but he knew that he wanted to be there for him, he wanted to do anything which could make the elder feel better!

"What are you doing to me, Jungkook-ah?I-I don't know why I'm being like this....Y-you've caused this...Make it go away....I SAID, MAKE IT GO AWAY.."

Jungkook flinched hard, hearing Taehyung's loud voice towards the end.Few teardrops left his eyes.It pained him to see the elder like that.But it was more painful to know that he was the reason behind it.

"Why did you say that to me that day?Why did you say that you liked me?D-did y-you even m-mean it?" Taehyung found it difficult to voice out his inner turmoil but he had to do it.He probably didn't know why he was behaving that way but he was sure that only Jungkook could make him feel better!

Jungkook was dumbfounded.He didn't know what to answer the elder.But he decided to face the situation for now.He didn't know what he was being blamed for but he wanted Taehyung to feel okay.He wanted Taehyung to be like his previous self.He took a few deep breathes to gather some courage and looked at the elder right in his eyes!

"Hyung, I don't know how I blurted it out that day but whatever I said was true.I don't know how and when I started developing feeling towards you.But trust me hyungie, my feelings are true...."

"...I-I really like you!"


I just wanted to show that Taehyung is really confused of his sudden changes.They are new to him and before acting on impulse, he's trying to find out what's going on with him.And don't worry.You'll get some Taekook moments soon!

Talking of Taekook moments, theirs moments from memories of 2021 are sooooooooo cute  😭❤

Talking of Taekook moments, theirs moments from memories of 2021 are sooooooooo cute  😭❤

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