[ 14 ]

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Namjoon choked on literally nothing after he heard his brother from the other side of the phone.When he was finally able to breathe normally, he managed to voice out only one word.

"Whatttt !!!"

"You heard me right, hyung.Now tell me how did you do it." Taehyung, who patiently waited for Namjoon to stop coughing asked yet again.He was already feeling restless and his brother's dramatic reaction wasn't helpful in that situation.

"W-why a-are y-you...."

"Obviously because I want to ask someone out.Now tell me anything which will be helpful without stuttering.It's quite annoying." Taehyung said in his usual tone, as if he wasn't giving Namjoon a heart attack with his words.

"I- a-actually....it was Jin hyung who asked me out f-for the first time.I was too shy to make a m-move." The elder of the two finally controlled his shocked self and answered.

"Great.Just great!" Sarcasm was dripping out of Taehyung's voice as he spoke.

"Whom are y-you gonna ask..."

Namjoon huffed, stopping his question midway since the the line made a 'beep' sound, indicating that Taehyung  already hanged up the call.He couldn't help but wonder if Taehyung was doing some prank.But doing pranks can never be Taehyung's thing.So he immediately declined the idea.

Now he was getting worried, worried for the person his brother is going to ask out.It's not like he doesn't trust Taehyung.Of course, he does.But he isn't sure if Taehyung actually likes that one romantically or just thinks that he likes that someone...


"H-how could h-he.." Jungkook mumbled for the n-th time, wailing like a kid.By now, his eyes were puffy due to heavy crying and the tip of his nose was cherry red from wiping the snot harshly.

Jimin, who had a concerned look on his face mentally facepalmed.He was feeling bad for the younger but at the same time, he felt like laughing at him.

Earlier, he got a call from an angry Jungkook who asked, well kinda ordered him to pick him up from where he dropped him off.Of course Jimin got concerned and hurriedly went there.Judging by Jungkook's look, he could understand that he better should drive to his place.And he did just that.

Now they are sitting on Jimin's bed.Well,  Jimin is sitting on the side while Jungkook is sprawled on it like a starfish.It's been fifteen minutes since they reached the bedroom and Jungkook almost rapped everything that happened in Taehyung's company within the small amount of time.

Jimin got the hint that Taehyung wanted time to think which is normal but he didn't get why Jungkook was not understanding what Taehyung meant.It was easy to understand; Wasn't it?
He's been trying to talk about it to the younger who's not in the mood to listen to his hyung at the moment.

"Kookie, please stop crying.He was just asking for your time." Jimin finally voiced out what he wanted to say but in response, Jungkook stopped crying and glared at him.

"Y-you are taking his side." Jungkook's lips wobbled but still he didn't stop glaring daggers at his betrayer hyung.

"Oh God! No, I'm not.I'm just saying that he didn't reject your feelings.Isn't that the point?" Jimin tried to speak in a soft tone, knowing anything can rile Jungkook up if he's not in the mood to understand the situation.

"So what?He didn't return my feelings either." Jungkook scoffed, wiping off his remaining tears.

"Where are you going?" Jimin stood up from his sitting position as soon as he saw Jungkook standing up and walking towards the door.

"I'm going home.I don't want to talk right now." Jungkook said, sulking and he was out even before Jimin could resister what he said.

The elder male looked at the place where Jungkook was standing just a few seconds ago.He just blinked his eyes and the boy was gone?He shook his head in disbelief.He isn't surprised though...

Jungkook can act really bratty at times, especially when he's angry!


"M-mom, say something please." Taehyung hesitantly asked, taking his mother's hand on his which made her snap back to reality.The elder lady was still processing what her son just told him.

Unlike other days, Taehyung came back home quite early today and then literally dragged his confused mother from the kitchen to his bedroom.He made her sit on his bed and kneeled on the carpeted floor in front of her.When she asked what was going on, he told her something she couldn't even imagine.

Taehyung wants to date Jungkook!

Their Kookie!!!!

"S-son, d-did y-you g-get a f-fever again.." Mrs. Kim asked, touching his forehead as soon as she got back her senses.Well, a normal Taehyung can't just tell her that he wants to take Jungkook out on a date.Right?

"What? Mom, I really thought you'd help me?" Taehyung questioned.He was getting irritated now.

Is it that hard to understand that he wants to date someone???

"S-so you're a-alright?" Mrs. Kim asked again, noticing her son's pissed off look.

Well, now he looks fine!

"It's ok.I shouldn't have asked you." Taehyung huffed, standing up but his eyes widened when he heard his mother making an weird noise, as if she was trying to hold back from squealing loudly.

"Oh my God!!! Baby, you don't know how happy I am right now.I'll definitely help you in this." Mrs. Kim smiled brightly and took her son in her embrace lovingly.She was just so happy, knowing Taehyung wanted to give Jungkook a chance.

Well, at first she was shocked to know that Jungkook likes Taehyung and what made her go blank was Taehyung's confession.He told her that Jungkook's mere presence is enough to make him smile which was rare.Taehyung doesn't smile that much in usual.Moreover, it was quite shocking for her to know that Taehyung wanted to ask Jungkook out...

But right now, she's really satisfied with their son's choice.Yes, Jungkook has the exact opposite nature to her son's but their characters will definitely compliment each other well.She's more than sure of it.The thought of having the cute boy in their family as Taehyung's partner itself is like a dream come true to her.

After all, she has always wanted the boy near her.She can't help but think further than just the two boys dating.There is no doubt that the two of them will look perfect with each other.

She just wants her two dearest boys to be happy together!


"Where are we going?" Taehyung asked his mother for the second time who was sitting on the passenger seat as he took another left turn.After he was done explaining what was going on with him and Jungkook, his excited mother kinda ran to the closet, leaving him confused.

Soon she came out of the room all dressed up and literally dragged him out of their mansion.Taehyung asked her where they were going but she just asked him to drive according to her.The confused male was driving from the last ten minutes, not knowing the exact location which his mother put on the GPS.

"We are going to meet Jungkookie.Now stop questioning and drive forward." Mrs. Kim finally replied to her son's question, looking as excited as ever.

And Taehyung?

He was too shocked that he abruptly stopped the car on the side of the road out of instinct.His eyes were still widened and mouth hung open.

"Whatttt !!!" He looked at his mother who just shrugged with disbelief.Could'nt she let him know about it earlier?

He was not mentally prepared to know that they're going to the Jeons....


I'm not even slightly satisfied with this chapter -_-
Sorry.I tried but still wasn't able to make it look better.

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