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It was almost 12am when Taehyung came back home.He was really tired.Thanks to his mom who sent him lunch.At least, he could go on for the rest of the day without feeling hungry.

Since it was too late, he just decided to freshen up and then go to sleep.He wasn't feeling like eating something since he ate late in the afternoon.Earlier, he called his mother and asked her not to wait for him, saying he would be home by midnight.

Soon, Taehyung took a quick shower and wore comfortable clothes before sliding inside the duvets.A satisfied hum left his mouth when his back felt the soft mattress under his body.

After a long, hectic day, finally laying on your bed definitely feels like heaven!

Taehyung was about to fell asleep when he remembered what happened earlier at office.He still couldn't digest how sweet Jungkook acted all of a sudden.More than that, he was confused why he felt that weird feeling when Jungkook's lips touched his ear.He himself was surprised that he didn't kill the younger out of anger because of the boy's audacity to enter his personal space just like that.Hell, he didn't even feel uncomfortable with the closeness.

It was something new !

The thoughts surrounded Taehyung as the time passed.He was unable to name the weird feeling he had earlier, he was unable to hate Jungkook even when the boy does everything that can make him angry.At some point, the young CEO just fall asleep as he was really exhausted after working all day.


Jungkook ran towards his room after his parents went to their bedroom.He changed into his sky blue coloured pajamas and hurriedly did his night time skin routine.

As soon as he was finished, he jumped on his bed and hugged the tiger plushie he had.He snuggled into the plushie, trying to find some sleep but suddenly he opened his eyes widely.A gasp left his mouth thinking about his daring activity hours ago.

A giggle left Jungkook's mouth remembering Taehyung's speechless look in the office.Jungkook couldn't help but feel proud of himself, thinking how he made that girl's daydreams break into pieces.

Approaching Taehyung like that was, obviously risky but he still managed to do it.He patted his own shoulder for doing something daring like that.

Jungkook wondered what might be the angry human doing at this hour.He wondered if Taehyung was asleep already.He had to admit that Taehyung was the most attractive male he has ever seen.No doubt, he has started developing a tinie tiny crush on the elder....

But does that mean he would stop bothering the man?

Hell no.


"Kookie, we have a marriage ceremony to attend tomorrow.Would you like to join us?" Mrs. Jeon asked as she served the dinner.

Jungkook who was about to munch on his food right away, halted on the spot hearing his mother.He hates to attend those ceremonies where he has to meet so many boring and nosy people.

"No, I'll be home." Jungkook replied before he started eating.

Mrs. Jeon sighed at her son, not knowing how to make their son blend with other people.It's not like he would be able to avoid public gatherings in the future too.Sometimes it's needed.She just wants Jungkook to be at ease when he comes across new people.

"But wouldn't going with us be a better option than staying home alone?" Mrs. Jeon tried to bribe her son to agree with her.

"No.I like being alone than attending some marriage ceremony." Jungkook didn't even look up from his plate.He knew why he's mother was trying to make him say yes but he would never agree to something he doesn't like.It's just not Jeon Jungkook's thing.

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